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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

With the semester coming to a close, I’m realizing that music has been a large aspect of getting me through assignments or just navigating campus by taking long walks to numerous buildings between classes. With the changing seasons, my music taste and interests tend to fluctuate, so here are some of the most memorable albums for me this semester and their ratings. 

Ivory (Marfil) by Omar Apollo (9/10): With Omar Apollo slowly getting more recognition, I wanted to emphasize how impactful and cohesive this body of work was. Apollo follows countless R&B styles within this album, especially with the amount of emotion he poured into songs like Evergreen, Petrified, and Waiting on You. With all these songs being slower-paced and heartbreaking, you’ll definitely want to check out these songs if you need a good crying session. On the other hand, he does have upbeat songs like Highlight and Tamagotchi that radiate movement. Overall, the album holds a smooth and tranquil vibe which contrasted my feelings for the first couple of months of the semester, but a memorable one that will remain on my playlist. 

Hold the Girl by Rina Sawayama (8/10): Rina Sawayama poured depth into this album, which was an excellent body of work from the shift of summer to fall. Hold the Girl came out at the beginning of September, and kickstarted the semester. Some of the songs that stood out for me were Hurricanes, Imagining, and Frankenstein. With such a powerful topic of homophobia and acceptance within Send My Love to John, to finding the light in dark situations, this album really showcased Sawayama as an excellent writer and lyricist. The entirety of the album takes you on a rollercoaster of experiences from having fun with songs like This Hell, Imagining, and Frankenstein to feeling inspired by songs like Catch me in the Air, Hurricanes, and To Be Alive. 

SUCKERPUNCH by Maggie Lindemann (10/10): With this being Lindemann’s debut album, she incorporates numerous styles of rock, alternative rock, and pop rock all into one cohesive project. SUCKERPUNCH came out around October, during the middle of the semester. The edge of this album was needed, perfectly matching the fall aesthetic. Lindemann discusses topics from feeling completely hopeless in life, self-sabotage, and the critical reflection of yourself and your relationships with others. Some of my favorites on the album were hear me out, we never even dated, and casualty of your dreams. Overall, the album made Lindemann stand out as a total powerhouse as a rock and punk artist. 

SOFTMETAL by BRONZE AVERY (10/10): SOFTMETAL by BRONZE AVERY was another debut album contender, and held such beautiful melodies and lyrics that it became one of my favorites listens of the semester. The debut album arrived in the middle of November, which was the perfect release date because of the winter sounds the album exhibits. Some of the standout songs for me were SOFTSHELL, OVER (AND OVER), SOFTMETAL, and BIBLE NAME. The debut album is extremely groovy and holds unique styles of instruments and production that make it addictive. I cannot wait to hear more from AVERY and what they bring into music.

SOS by SZA (10/10): With the semester slowly coming to an end in December, SZA came back five years later to help us cry ourselves through finals. With such a cohesive and versatile project, SZA really outdid herself and paved the way as an impactful artist. The metaphorical play in the album is enjoyable and beautiful. Some of my favorite tracks include Kill Bill, Ghost in the Machine, Snooze, F2F, and Forgiveless. Her sophomore album holds much worth and deserves a listen. It is the perfect way to end the semester and will be on rotation for the next couple of months. 

Overall, this year was stellar for music, and there were many great projects released during the semester which I associate memories with. The impact music can have on someone is powerful, and I believe many of us don’t realize that. So, with all my album suggestions stated, I leave you with the question of what albums got you through the semester?

Julius Patto attends Michigan State University, double-majoring in Professional and Public Writing and User Experience (UX/UI) Architecture within MSU's College of Arts. He strives to showcase his creativity and inspire others in the world, while also working towards prioritizing mental health and representation for immigrants and marginalized communities. Outside of his studies, he enjoys writing poetry and fiction stories, reading, being adventurous, traveling, and skateboarding.