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MSU Twitter Accounts Every Spartan Collegiette MUST Follow!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

Nowadays, most everyone seems to be on Twitter, whether to keep up with friends, receive breaking news, or follow their favorite celebrities. But you might not be aware of some accounts that will keep you informed of important campus news, fun events, ways to get involved, or just brighten your day! Here are the Twitter accounts every savvy MSU girl should follow:

@Spartan Problems– If you aren’t following this hilarious account, then that’s a Spartan Problem for sure! Tweeted by “King Leonidas,” various student woes from PACE parking tickets to dealing with the always-difficult ANGEL system are shared with a heavy serving of sarcasm and humor. The King’s tweets are guaranteed to make you smile, roll your eyes, and feel totally relatable.

@internatstate– Looking for an internship to add to your résumé or an on-campus job to make some extra money? Internships@State is a great place to search for internships and jobs on campus and around the East Lansing area in nearly every field imaginable! Updated multiple times a day, you’re sure to find something that interests you!

@VIMmagazine_MSU– Think style is scarce in East Lansing? Started in 2010, VIM Magazine is MSU’s first fashion magazine and a must read for stylish students. While the magazine is only released once a semester, VIM’s Twitter provides more regular updates on fashion, health, beauty, and interior design, including features like getting the look for less, seasonal trends, and DIY projects. Although they might be considered competition, we approve so go follow them!


@EatatState– Catch a craving on campus? Follow Eat at State to receive convenient updates on campus food specials at Sparty’s and the Union, check dining hall menus, and hear about drawings to win prizes. Sparty’s even offers specials for coffee drinks when you mention their tweets! Bon Appétit!


@UABatMSU– There’s always something to do on campus, you just might not know about it! UAB, or the University Activities Board, offers free events on campus to MSU students from film screenings to arts & crafts shows to clothing warehouse sales. Without fail, UAB plans fun activities for students every weekend (sometimes even with free food!), and the only way to stay up to date on fabulous events like free concerts and comedy shows is to follow UAB on Twitter.

 @SpartanBetch-Witty tweets like “Another girls beauty does not undermine yours #BelieveInYourself,” mixed with “rama-isms,” make this account one to follow.  Helping you get through the week or at least until Thursdays at 3:30, Spartan Betch keeps it real and that’s what we love about her.  Shall we dub her the twitter voice of the Spartan Collegiette?

@HerCampusMSU– You didn’t think we’d leave this one out, did you? Her Campus Michigan State serves to help MSU ladies stay fashionable, fit, fun, and informed. Follow HCMSU’s Twitter account to receive updates on articles and interviews covering MSU events and news, as well as read national content on style, health, love, life, and career.  We promise you’ll love it!


Lauren is a fifth year senior at Michigan State University pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Journalism with a specialization in Editorial Reporting which she will graduate with in the summer of 2012. She previously graduated in May 2011 with a bachelor’s of arts degree in Apparel and Textile Design. Last summer she interned at 944 magazine which helped to strengthen her love for journalism. Lauren loves planning events such as the MSU Annual Undergraduate Fashion Exhibit last year where she had some of her designs and clothing featured. She loves sewing in her spare time and creating beautiful clothes for herself, friends and family. Lauren also enjoys entering her designs into fashion shows such as the Annual Apparel and Textile Design Fashion Show last spring on campus where one of her dresses was a finalist for the judges choice award. She loves any kinds of sweets, cooking, crazy nail polish colors, Italian and Mexican food, shopping for shoes, MSU football games and watching The Devil Wears Prada over and over. Lauren is so excited to be a part of the Her Campus team and is very eager to begin the Her Campus branch at Michigan State!