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Madeline Carino ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

Name: Madeline Carino

Year: Junior

Major: Journalism

Job: I am involved with the Big Ten Network’s Student U Program (BTN) and MSU’s Athletic Communications Department. 

Job Duties:  With BTN, I am a camera operator for online broadcasts. Sometimes, the network will re-air our work on TV if it’s good enough. I have taped men’s and women’s soccer, field hockey and volleyball. I hope to be a producer by the end of my senior year. Through the Communications department, I help gather stats for athletic events. My involvement with both entities are beneficial. I have special access to athletic events that most students don’t experience. I work in the press boxes, with cameras and I’ve operated parabolic microphones on the football field. 

What Interests You About Sports? I love sports because it brings people together. When the country has suffered a tragedy, sports carry on to bring joy and normalcy back to its fans. They relate to everyone, even the non athletes, because they’re about overcoming adversity to accomplish a goal.

Life’s Passion: To be happy.

Dream Job: To be a producer with a sports broadcasting network such as Big Ten, Fox Sports or ESPN. 

Special Talent: I can do origami and make bows out of paper.

Favorite Place On Campus? Jenison Fieldhouse because I love the entire volleyball program.

Spartan Bucket List: I want to attend a basketball game in the Izzone.


Hi Collegiettes!I'm Amber Taylor, Campus Correspondent at Michigan State University!I will graduate from MSU this May with a degree in journalism and a specialization in design. I am a native Chicagoan who loves shopping for anything from shoes, to midi rings to plates from Crate & Barrel. In my spare time, I enjoy live music and observing contemporary art. SO excited to get MSU more involved with HerCampus this year!Feel free to reach out to me! -HCXOAmber