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Home for the Holidays, According to Parks and Rec

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

What it’s REALLY like being home for the holidays, according to Parks and Rec:

Staying out too late, according to your parents

When you come back exhausted from exam week and all your relatives want to catch up over lunch

The dance you do to the fridge the second you put your bags down because it’s free food

The way your younger siblings interact with you when you get back, as if they forgot who was the superior

At Christmas dinner, when all your relatives ask you about what you have been up to at school

What you tell yourself when you see your final grades and your bank account

How you feel after four days spent with your family

How you feel getting to go back to school; so pumped for all of that pizza and knowledge

My name is Shelby, I am an Advertising major pursuing minors in both PR and Graphic Design. I love being around people and experiencing new cultures, ideas, and beliefs. Some of my best memories here at MSU are spent with my best friends. My all time favorite quote is Maya Angelou's "I've learned people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
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