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Gender Pay Gap Bake Sale: STAY HUNGRY and SEE YOU THERE

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.


In observance of Women’s History Month, Her Campus is holding a bake sale to bring awareness to the inequalities women face in the work place. In 2014, women working full time in the United States typically were paid just 79 percent of what men were paid, a gap of 21 percent. And that’s not including the even greater inqualities minority women face.

We’ll be selling all yummy goods 75 cents to women, and one dollar to men to bring light to the wage inequalities in America. Half of the proceeds will be going to Eve’s House, a wonderful shelter that provides supportive services to victims of domestic and sexual violence.


Location: Business College Complex 

Feminist | Editor | Lesbian 
Content creator. Editor. Pop culture enthusiast.