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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

The Sunday realization of what week it is.


Appropriately reacting on such devastating news.


Time to get down to business, but not recollecting when any of the notes were taught in lecture.


Pre-finals crisis calls for a night out. Treat yourself, right?


Taking on the first final post bar:


Hangover, regret and information overload. 1 final down, 4 to go.


Okay, seriously. Finals week: You got this.


Inevitable self doubt paired with a crumbling sense of self.


Study group got you like:


Study group also got you like:


Realization that your favorite professor isn’t utilizing a grading curve.


Third final: Biology. Quick prayer questioning the idiocracy bestowed upon you.


The end of the week drearily approaches. The final final. Needless to say, you’re over it.


Home for the summer! Now to explain your GPA…

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