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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

Name: Eric Steven Mocher

Hometown: Fraser, Mich.

Major: Kinesiology

Relationship Status: I’m in an amazing relationship.


Where can we most likely find you?

IM Circle. I’m there every day except Friday. No one likes Friday classes.

Favorite MSU Sport:


Best MSU Memory: 

Keeping it PG, my favorite memory is when Gerard Butler came to the MSU football game and yelled, “Spartans, what is your profession!” Priceless. 

Favorite Spot on Campus: 

The parking lot across from the International Center. I know it sounds strange, but after tailgating there for four years, I can’t think of another spot where I made more great and sometimes really bizarre memories. 


Biggest Pet Peeve:

When someone repeats himself or herself over and over and over. 

Favorite Movie:

If I have to pick one, I’ll say “The Book of Eli”. Love that movie.

Celeb Crush: 

Emily Blunt

In 10 years: 

Married and working as a Physical Therapist. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a kid or two running around.



Qualities you look for: 

Confident, independent, adventurous, and of course cute.   

First Kiss Story:

I can’t remember exactly how old I was, but I was still in elementary school. We were at a bonfire in the cold and rain standing next to each other. She was taller than me, and when I reached in for the kiss, I slipped on the grass and almost fell over. It was really embarrassing, but I went for it again and got my first kiss. 

Most Awkward Date Moment:

Took a girl out to eat once and no joke she didn’t say more than two words the entire meal. I tried as hard as I could to get a conversation going… it was awkward.  

Deal Breakers:

I can’t stand a girl that’s clingy. Everyone needs their space once in a while. 

 Marissa Russo is a senior at Michigan State University studying  journalism with a concentration in apparel and textile design. Her love for writing coincides with her love for design, and after graduation she hopes to work at a publication that allows her to do both. Marissa is a co-campus correspondent for Her Campus MSU. Follow her on Instagram: marissrusso and Twitter: @marissrusso