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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

Noodle the pug has truly shoved aside astrological horoscopes for us all, and instead introduced us to Bones or No Bones. Created by Jon Graz, the game of No Bones is a daily routine Jon executes with his 13 year-old adorable pug, Noodle. Every morning when Noodle is nice and squishy from his long night of sleep, Jon lifts him gently and sets him back down on his bed to see if Noodle woke up with bones and thus, it will determine what kind of day we are going to have. If Noodle stands it’s a bones day. A bones day is a day to get up and go at it. Go for that A on the exam, get in a super cute (yet mildly uncomfortable) outfit and rock the day! If Noodle plops back onto his bed into slumber, it is a no bones day. A no bones day is not a bad day though. It just means it’s a day for you. Wear the sweats and slides (or as I call it, the hobo outfit), take a day for self care whether it be an entire season of a Netflix show, a facial or treating yourself to your favorite restaurant, a no bones day is all about self care and relaxing. As Jon puts it, you don’t wear hard pants (jeans, khakis, or anything uncomfy) on a no bones day. Save the denim and the heels for the bones day. 

So how popular is this pug? He has already been featured on the today show, produced his own merchandise for the world and become an inside joke of many people. The idea of this old, squishy and adorable pug deciding our types of day is something light hearted and precious that we all enjoy. While the concept of bones or no bones is light-hearted fun for any tik tok enthusiast, it brings us to the subject of self care. Noodle has put self care as a priority, while boosting our serotonin with his adorable self. Whether it is Noodle’s bones day or a no bones day, it is so important as college students to pay attention to your physical and mental health so you can decide when it is your day to take it easy and do things for you, or if you want to put on your best outfit and seize the day. Especially during this time of the semester, stress levels are high. Midterms are over, but finals are looming and large projects are being assigned. Be sure that every now and then you stay in those oversized sweats and fuzzy socks with a starbucks coffee, and binge watch that show. Understand that saying no to doing your homework all at once or declining to go out when you’re exhausted is ok and necessary for you. Balance is key and making sure you’re taken care of should always be priority #1. 

My name is Celeste Tinsley and I’m a freshman at Michigan State University. I’m majoring in Global and International Studies with a double minor in economics and data analytics. I am an avid reader, baker and equestrian.