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Become a Campus Point Person for ScholarshipPoints.com!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

Want to get involved on campus Spartan collegiette’s?  Here is the perfect way to do it and with a company that helps other students find and secure scholarships for schooling.  The opportunity you’ve been looking for is right here, to become a Campus Point Person for ScholarshipPoints.com!


Becoming a Campus Point Person means you’ll have the opportunity to connect with other MSU Students, get involved on campus and gain marketing and sales experience.  This position means you will be able to act as the eyes, ears and voice of ScholarshipPoints on our campus.


Other tasks include holding informational events in dorms around campus, attending events around campus to pass out information and to write guest blog posts and provide content for the ScholarshipPoints Campus page.


Now on to the good parts, the “perks,” or benefits, of being a Campus Point Person.  When you participate in the Campus Rep Program you can receive points to increase your chances of winning a scholarship from ScholarshipPoints every month!  You get 200 points for every month you serve as a Campus Point Person, 50 points for every new member you refer and additional points for each requirement you complete such as writing a blog post or attending an event around MSU.


If that wasn’t incentive enough then here’s the kicker, if someone you refer to ScholarshipPoints wins a scholarship then you will win a matching scholarship of up to $1,000!  If all of that doesn’t seem like enough, just think, you will have valuable, real world marketing and sales experience to add to your resume for future job hunting!


For more information on this opportunity and how to enter scholarships through ScholarshipPoints visit their website here!

Lauren is a fifth year senior at Michigan State University pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Journalism with a specialization in Editorial Reporting which she will graduate with in the summer of 2012. She previously graduated in May 2011 with a bachelor’s of arts degree in Apparel and Textile Design. Last summer she interned at 944 magazine which helped to strengthen her love for journalism. Lauren loves planning events such as the MSU Annual Undergraduate Fashion Exhibit last year where she had some of her designs and clothing featured. She loves sewing in her spare time and creating beautiful clothes for herself, friends and family. Lauren also enjoys entering her designs into fashion shows such as the Annual Apparel and Textile Design Fashion Show last spring on campus where one of her dresses was a finalist for the judges choice award. She loves any kinds of sweets, cooking, crazy nail polish colors, Italian and Mexican food, shopping for shoes, MSU football games and watching The Devil Wears Prada over and over. Lauren is so excited to be a part of the Her Campus team and is very eager to begin the Her Campus branch at Michigan State!