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Activities to do with Someone Else on Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

Do you have a date for Valentine’s day but have nothing to do? Worry not, here are five activities you can do with someone. These activities can be done with family, friends, partners, etc. They are sweet and simple ideas that you won’t want to pass up on.  

The Classic Movie Night

Ever feel like having a cozy night in? Well, just throw on the perfect movie for you and whoever you’re watching it within the comfort of your home. Finding the best movie will be the only mildly challenging part of the evening. But there’s no need to fret,  just make sure to plan ahead and maybe try to get some movie/show recommendations. If you are unable to be in-person with whoever you’re planning this night with, then plan on watching the movie virtually. There are plenty of options such as zoom, teleparty, and more!

An Online Escape Room

Do you like solving logic puzzles and working together with your friends and loved ones? Well then, doing an online escape room might be the thing for you. Escape rooms can be expensive and during this COVID-19 pandemic, going in-person may not even be an option. There are a vast number of escape rooms to choose from all online and easy to access. You can decide on which theme you and whoever else would like to try and complete. So, what’s stopping you from beginning your escape room journey this February 14th? 

A PowerPoint Night

Now, don’t be put off by this concept quite yet. You don’t have to treat this activity as a required assignment that can determine your grade or job title. Instead, this can be a lighthearted event where you and anyone you invite can choose their PowerPoint topics. From there, you all create your presentations and then can share them with everyone. This can be a fun night full of laughs and giggles. You can talk about something you’re passionate about or think would be a creative idea to expand on. The possibilities are endless; so feel free to explore them and have a good night with everyone!

The Timeless Dinner Date

Who doesn’t love spending the evening with someone you care about while eating delicious food? During this time, going out to eat can be limited due to safety precautions. There’s nothing wrong with having a nice and safe night at home. It can be sweet and even romantic to make or receive food prepared by someone. You can even make it a teamwork exercise where you all help make meals for each other. There’s always the option of ordering food and experiencing the dining experience but at home. This is a great option for relationships that can’t be in-person. You can order food for one another and set up a virtual meeting.

An Arts and Crafts Date

Are you a creative person? Well, you don’t have to be able to have a good time making art. If you have an interest in making some crafts, you can share this experience with whoever you want. There are group art projects y’all can work on or you can all work on independent projects together. You can pick up some supplies at your local art store or order some online. Then, you can invite people to join you either in-person or online. As long as everyone wants to participate, then this should be a fun experience! So, what’s holding you back? Go get your materials and prepare for a day of joy and relaxation.

I hope you were able to gain inspiration from these ideas. Get ready to mark your calendars and plan out the best day for everyone on February 14th!

Angela Demas is a first-year student attending RCAH MSU. She has experience writing, editing, and helping to publish articles for her former high school's newspaper. Writing, photography, and graphic design are just a few of her passions.