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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MS State chapter.

           Need something to do during quarantine, having trouble getting up, or just need to release some stress? Well, yoga can do all of that for you and more! The best part- you don’t even have to be flexible or have done it before to start! Here are five reasons to treat your mind and body to some daily yoga and feel incredible!


1. To start your day with mindfulness


Connecting your mind and body the first thing in the morning sets such a positive tone for the day. Focus on your breath, control it, and feel the inner oneness!


2. To get your blood flowing


After your breathwork, you should be in a great headspace to get moving a bit! Doing a few sun salutations (there are plenty on youtube) can ease you into your morning and will make you feel great. Light movements just to wake up the body here!


3. To learn a new hobby


You will find that there are so many videos online that make starting a practice very easy. Down Dog is a yoga app that is free during quarantine that helped me start!


4. To build a routine


It has helped my mental health so much to have a morning routine during this time, and yoga has been such a crucial part of it. Personally, adding movement to my morning has felt so good and given me a reason to get out of bed, even if I get back in bed after. I highly recommend doing the same!


5. To ease stress


So much stress can be dealt with internally, and yoga is a great way to release it. There are so many poses and videos out there that can target stress-holding areas like your hips. Give your body some love, peace, and calmness!


You got this! Go have a great morning & enjoy some tea or coffee after, you deserve it!

-Sidney Burden