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How Do I Stay Organized During Midterms?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

It may feel like school just started, but November is around the corner – which means midterms are almost here too. As a senior, this semester has been particularly chaotic. With six classes, two internships and a job, I’ve had to find every way possible to keep myself organized. Here are some of my tips:

  1. Download Notion

My number one suggestion is to download the newly popular app Notion, a project management platform that you can use to keep yourself organized. You can dive in deep and make your Notion page personal, or you can simply create a calendar and to-do list pages that you can check up on throughout the week. 

  1. To-Do list

If you’re anything like me, you love lists. Whether it’s making a Notion page, using your Macbook sticky notes or going old school with a classic pen and paper, writing down your tasks can help you keep track of them and make sure that you don’t forget anything. 

I like to make a few different lists – a daily to-do list that I can cross off throughout the day, and an overall to-do list separated by the class/job.

  1. Don’t procrastinate

As difficult as it can be to keep up sometimes, getting things done as soon as possible is sure to keep you from getting overwhelmed. In fact, you can divide things up by setting goals for each day. This way, things won’t pile up on you.

  1. Color coordinate

If you’re a visual learner like me, color coordination is sure to help you! I categorize all of my Google Drive class folders, to-do lists, notebooks and folders with the same colors to make sure I can keep a clear vision on what needs to be done for each class.

  1. Make time for yourself!

One of the most important things you can do in staying organized during midterms is to separate your work time with your personal time! Make sure you set time aside to close out of Canvas and do something for yourself, whether it’s working on a personal goal or just relaxing with some TV!

I hope you find these tips helpful. And remember, your mental health should come before any class. Keep your head up and give yourself a pat on the back for all the hard work you’ve been doing!

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Emma Barber

Montclair '23

Emma is a senior at Montclair State University, studying Social Media & Public Relations and Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies.