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5 Ways to Destress from Midterms, Migraines, and Mayhem

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

Textbooks, study guides, and sleepless nights—midterm season can leave you feeling like a battle scarred warrior, barely standing on your feet. But fear not, for as the dust settles it’s time to bounce back and reclaim your sanity. We’ve got your back with some easy, wallet friendly ways to destress after the whirlwind of exams. 

  1. Exercise, Yoga, or Meditation

Engage in self-improvement through invigorating exercise, soul soothing yoga poses, or the art of mindfulness meditation. The best part? You can do it all from the comfort of your own home, saving precious time, energy, and those hard earned dollars. 

  1. Watch Party With Your Besties

Gather up the besties and unwind with a movie night. Grab some popcorn, cozy up in matching onesies, and watch your favorite holiday flicks. Laughter, camaraderie, and shared memories will have you feeling recharged in no time.

  1. Updating Your Wardrobe

Embrace the season’s fashion delights without breaking the bank. Thrift stores are treasure coves of winter jackets, stylish boots, and beautifully knit scarves. Explore local gems like Red White & Blue with locations in Paterson and Passaic, Hawthorne’s Value Village, and Plato’s Closet in Fairfield for budget friendly fashion finds that will have you strutting with confidence. 

  1. Engaging on Campus

Don’t let midterms overshadow the vibrant campus life. Get involved in organizations like Center of Student Involvement, Greek Life, etc. where exciting events and opportunities await. Connect with new people, lend a helping hand to meaningful causes, and possibly find yourself in an organization that brings purpose and identity to your college journey!

  1. Immersing Yourself in Books!

Take a break from the digital distraction and dive into the world of literature. Reading not only takes your mind off stress but also sharpens your memory, expands your vocabulary, and provides a positive escape from the anxiety of waiting for midterm grades. So grab a book, find a cozy nook, and let your imagination soar into new horizons. 

These budget friendly ways to destress offer a chance to recharge your mind, connect with others, and explore the wonders of personal growth. Midterm season may have left you feeling battered, but now is the time to rejuvenate and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead. So shake off the midterm madness and step into a brighter future filled with balance, joy, and self discovery!

Debbie Martinez

Montclair '25

Debbie Ivette Martinez, a dynamic third-year student at Montclair State University, is pursuing a dual major in English and Justice Studies, with minors in Religion, Philosophy, and Social Work. Passionate about advocating for women's rights, Debbie aims to create positive change in society, particularly for women like herself. Alongside her academic pursuits, Debbie finds inspiration in Barbie, pink aesthetics, women of color, and all things Latina—embodying a vibrant and multifaceted approach to education and activism.