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Why Essential Oils are a Must Have for Every College Girl

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Monmouth chapter.

Many young women experience similar day-to-day struggles throughout her college years. Whether it’s a tension headache, fighting the common cold, dealing with insomnia, or exam stress, we all have to find ways to manage ourselves. There are so many remedies out there to help a girl get through, and essential oils can really help.

One of the great things about essential oils is you don’t need a lot of it. Seriously…a little dab will do.  Also, most college students are on a budget, so there is no need to spend a lot on a top of the line diffuser. I have an expensive one at home, and just picked up an inexpensive one on Amazon for my dorm room. And I have to say, the inexpensive one works just as well.

Diffused oil gives off a very light and subtle scent, so you don’t have to worry about creating a problem for your neighbor or the RA knocking on your door to find out what is going on inside your room. There are so many amazing oils available, but my college girl “Go-To-Kit” would definitely include lavender, lemon and peppermint.

Lavender is a like dream come true. Put a drop or two on your pillowcase before you go to sleep and you’ll breathe in relaxation all night long. Lavender has a calming effect that helps to relax your mind from whatever is causing stress. A few drops of lavender oil can also be diffused into the air as you’re winding down for the night, so by the time you crawl into bed and turn on your sleepy time playlist, you’ll quickly drift off into a peaceful slumber.  

Lemon oil is great for relieving an annoying cough, allergy symptoms and sinus congestion. It also helps to relieve stomach upset or nausea. Lemon has such a nice, sunny day scent. Even if I’m not experiencing any of these symptoms, I like to diffuse a few drops in the middle of winter just to lighten the mood and bring a little summertime back into my life.

As a girl who suffers from chronic headaches, peppermint oil has saved my life. If I feel a headache coming on, a small dab on the temples or forehead usually nips it in the bud quickly. A couple of drops of peppermint combined with a drop or two of lemon oil in the diffuser can really stop a headache in its tracks. Peppermint oil is also great for tired, achy muscles when you’re putting in extra study time.  

There are so many wonderful essential oils to try with so many great uses for them!  My collection keeps growing and sometimes, I feel like I have my own personal laboratory; mixing this oil with that one. It’s a lot of fun to figure out which ones you love and learn all about their therapeutic benefits. I can’t imagine tackling college without my oils. Give it a try and I hope you love them as much as I do!


Elizabeth Muller is a sophomore at Monmouth University, studying psychology with a minor in communications. When she isn't studying, she is probably experimenting with essential oils or attending a kickboxing or yoga class. She loves hanging at the beach during all seasons, and her dog, Layla.