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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Monmouth chapter.

For some, Valentine’s Day is stressful enough before you even think about gifts. Especially when it is your first Valentine’s Day as a couple! It is a day to celebrate all the love you have for each other! My advice is to not stress out about the price tag on the gifts you are going to buy for your significant other, but rather focus on the meaning behind each gift. Trust me, on Valentine’s Day it really is not about the price tag, it’s all about the thoughtfulness behind even the smallest item.

Gifts for Her:

Girls are pretty simple. We just want to know that you are listening and paying attention to their likes/dislikes, personality, and little character traits – especially on a day like Valentine’s Day. Below are some simple gifts for Her:

1. Chocolate (DUH): You can never go wrong with her favorite chocolate, whether it be chocolate covered strawberries or her favorite chocolate bar. Personally, my favorite chocolate is in the form of Nutella!

2. Flowers: This may not seem like a “gift” to many, however, you can never go wrong with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Either find her favorite flower or her favorite colored flowers. She will smile ear to ear.

3. Diamonds: Now, I don’t mean super expensive diamonds but beautiful diamond stud earrings or a shiny necklace is also a great gift to buy for her. My personal favorite for shiny new additions that is relatively inexpensive is Swarovski. You can find a beautiful pair of earrings for as little as $50.00. They might look expensive but really, they are budget friendly.

4. Spa: Most ladies love to be pampered, so a gift certificate to her favorite spa is ideal. She can pick out the service that she wants and go on her own time. If you want to upgrade this gift, you can always get a gift certificate for a couple’s massage so you both can enjoy the relaxing day together.

5. A Puppy: This gift is only if you are feeling EXTRA generous this February. You will become an instant winner if you get her a pup, I promise!

Gifts for Him:

Men are a little more difficult when it comes to buying gifts. They seem like they have everything and never give you any hints!

1. Junk Food: The key to a man’s heart is through their stomach, right? So, I suggest always getting their favorite candy or favorite junk food to start!

2. Spa: Not only do women love to be pampered but, men do as well. This gives you more of an excuse to get pampered yourself while spending relaxing quality time with the person you love.

3. Baseball Tickets: If you are lucky enough to have a significant other that loves baseball, then this is a great no-brainer gift. Closely following Valentine’s Day is baseball season. Opening Day tickets for your S.O. favorite team will put a huge smile on their face!

4. Cologne: I don’t know about you, but I LOVE cologne. This is a great time for you to pick out your favorite cologne for him to wear because, let’s face it, your preference of cologne outweighs his. (You are the one that has to smell it all the time, not him.)

5. Hobby Item: Another great suggestion would be to focus on his favorite hobby. If he has something that he is passionate about, then totally focus on it! It is a given that he will love it and appreciate. Plus, it shows that you are interested in his hobby and support it as well.


Victoria DeFilippo is a senior at Monmouth University where she is majoring in Public Relations and Journalism and minoring in Marketing. She is a New Yorker that loves shopping, really good food, and traveling the world!