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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Monmouth chapter.

To the Skylar post-graduation,

  1. Perfection is impossible, strive to be the best you can be. Don’t let imperfections get you down. If that means you need to get a couple of B’s on your record, so “b” it.
  2. Don’t hesitate to step out of your comfort zone! I know you have eyes on graduate schools far from New Jersey. I also know you have a job and friends here in the state. But if you need to drop those for a better school in Texas or Arizona, go for it.
  3. Stop dwelling on the past. Take it from me, who has major panic attacks thinking about past things, but I’m trying to get better. You’re going to be the stronger me.
  4. On top of that, your past doesn’t define you! It is who you are now that matters. Your past shaped you for a reason, so look ahead to the you that you will be in the future.
  5. Friends come and go, no sense stalking their Instagram’s at 3 a.m. to feel FOMO. Things didn’t work out for a reason. Plus, there’s 7.7 billion people in the world, you can make new friends.
  6. Keep doing what you love. You like to write, so keep writing. You love reading, hell, that’s your major. Write the research papers you want to, dive into literary criticism. Your friends can yawn or space out when you talk, but that’s what you love. Your passion is going to make those papers great.
  7. Love yourself. I don’t think I need to explain this anymore, you know what I’m talking about. This is something that should never change, you are wonderful and have so much ahead of you. Don’t spoil that.
  8. I love you, elementary school Skylar loves you, the pubertal Skylar from 7th grade loves you. Based on this trend, you should love you too.
Skylar Daley

Monmouth '20

Hi guys! I'm the Co-CC for the Monmouth chapter. I'm an English major at Monmouth University and I'm totally obsessed with Stephen King and gothic lit.