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When You Are Spring BreakING

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Molloy chapter.


Phase 1: You go on instagram and look at everyone getting on planes to their fabulous study abroad programmes or week long party extravaganzas. Do not resent, I repeat do not resent. 

Phase 2: Tell yourself that you do not NEED to travel to have fun on this break

Phase 3: Keep reminding yourself that you are fun and hip and cool while you’re slaving away at your part time job. 

Phase 4: Check instagram again and go through pictures of the majority of the student body now in tropical and sunny destinations. ARE THOSE SUMMER CLOTHES I SEE?

Phase 5: Look frantically for your gym membership, because wow, summer is coming. Time does fly after all.  

Phase 6: Go to your fridge instead and if there is anything with cheese and you are physically equipped to handle deri products, ENGULF SAID ITEM OF CHEESE & LET THERE BE NO REMORSE.

Phase 7: Walk right on over to your television or laptop and put on netflix. Now browse for something like you have never done before, don’t think about making plans with friends because they are all just going to say no anyway. Pet your new food item with cheese in it, name her Cathy. She is your new biff. Okay?

Phase 8: Yes, you are so right. Gilmore Girls is always the way to go. No, it does not matter that you’ve seen every season two times over. Third times the charm. 

Phase 9: Check instagram again and look at all the colorful pictures, tell yourself that resentment is not a healthy feeling. Also tell yourself that you will workout later and that everything will feel better.

Phase 10: Come to a place of acceptance and defeat, but maybe acceptance more than defeat, because that is the healthy thing to do and you are a healthy person. Next year will be different, remind yourself of this.

Now, put on your makeup and get ready for your part time job that pays minimum wage and GO GET EM.