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Taking Care of Business: The Morning Routine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MNSU chapter.

Something I’ve been trying to do is get a morning routine set to make my mornings more efficient. I’ve never been one to wake up at the same time or done the same thing to get ready in the morning. Routine has never been a thing for me so it made me wonder what other college women did to get ready in the morning. I asked some women a few questions about their morning routines!

How long does it typically take you to get ready in the morning?

The majority of women said it took them about 30 minutes to ready in the morning. Some said it took 45 minutes to an hour to get ready. Others said it took two hours or longer to complete their routine. The more detailed the routine, the longer and more detailed it was. If there was more time, most said they would straighten/actually do their hair, put on full makeup and actually eat breakfast or drink coffee.

What does your morning routine entail?

Most of the women’s routines were what you would expect them to be, get up, go to the bathroom, get dressed, do makeup, eat breakfast if they’re hungry and have coffee or tea if there is time. A few routines really stood out to me. Lizzy, a junior at MSU and Julia, a senior at MSU both have daily routines that I aspire to have at some time in my life.

Julia normally wakes up between 5:30 and 7 a.m. She says her routine is obnoxious. She goes to the gym first thing in the morning which takes her 30 minutes to wake up, wash her face, get dressed and get out the door for a workout. After that she usually washes her body since she washes her hair twice a week, applies makeup and do something with her hair. Her post-gym routine takes about an hour then she’s out the door. If she doesn’t have enough time she might skip putting on her makeup or goes right to class after the gym when she has 8 a.m. class.

Lizzy’s routine starts with a 5-10 minute spiritual/wake up time after the alarm goes off which sometimes includes stretching. Then she gets up, washes her face, brushes her teeth, and takes a shower depending on the day. Then she puts on makeup, does her hair and has coffee. When she’s already, she goes and makes eggs or oatmeal for breakfast and enjoys her coffee. Lizzy spends 45-60 minutes in the kitchen every morning.

What changes when you don’t have enough time to get ready?

If there isn’t enough time to get ready, most women throw on clothes, put their hair in a messy bun, skip the makeup or bypass breakfast. Others said they made sure they had enough time to get ready because they didn’t like to leave anything out.

After talking to these women and getting an understanding of what it takes for them to get ready in the morning it made me realize routines can be nice but while in college they might not be practical and realistic for everyone!

Wannabe World Traveler.Adventure Seeker.Minnesota Living.Lover of Sports.Avid Coffee Drinker.