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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MNSU chapter.


If you have noticed while you are scrolling through your Facebook feed, you have seen the name Gypsy Rose Blanchard and you may know her story. If you do not, I will give you the rundown on her story. Gypsy Rose is sick, well that is what her mother wanted her to believe. Gypsy Rose was confined to a wheelchair her whole life and her list of illnesses range from cancer to Muscular Dystrophy and many more. The whole world took notice and she found herself the center of attention. The only thing was that her mother was lying about everything. Dee Dee Blanchard was diagnosed with Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy which is when people make up different diseases for their child, spouse or basically anyone they are taking care of.

Gypsy Rose’s story and how she convinced her online boyfriend to kill her mother is heartbreaking. Just thinking about the abuse that she must have suffered is incomprehensible. Gypsy Rose was sentenced to 10 years, while her boyfriend Nick was sentenced to life. While you think about how much pain that she must have suffered under her mother, you can now watch it on Hulu every Wednesday.

I am the type of girl that loves true crime stories and I love learning about any type of murder mystery. I know, I might be potentially crazy but it’s fine. While watching “The Act” I was disappointed that the new episodes came every Wednesday instead of just letting me binge watch it all at once. I think this might have been for the best, knowing me I would be sad it was over. Right now they have released six episodes and let me tell you, the acting is incredible. The way that Joey King and Patricia Arquette do an immaculate job of playing Gypsy Rose and Dee Dee Blanchard. I mean Joey King has to play someone with the mind of a 7-year-old girl, and even doing that is a piece of cake for her.

If you are a big fan of true crime, I highly recommend this show. While they do change names, such as the neighbors name you might get confused on who they are talking about if you are following along with the real news stories. I think that this whole case is interesting, and to think that news just spread of Gypsy Rose getting engaged at 27 is amazing, considering she finally got her prince charming. So if you are bored and looking for a show to watch, I highly recommend tuning into this series. But I do warn if you do not like violence or graphic things, this show isn’t for the faintest of heart.

I am senior at MNSU and am studying to get a degree in Marketing with a minor in Mass Media. I love cooking, being around friends and family, going on little adventures, and just having fun.
Hannah is a Junior at Minnesota State University, Mankato and one of the Campus Correspondents for the HC MNSU chapter. She is currently double majoring in Marketing and Business Management with a Minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.