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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MNSU chapter.

Grandma always says, “out with the old and in with the new”. Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure that applied to spring cleaning and donating old clothes, but it can mean so much more than that. It’s time to get rid of anything that is toxic in your life. For many of us, that will mean relationships that don’t bring us lust, appreciation, bliss and pure joy.

You need to know that there is a greater love out there, and you are so worthy of it.

It’s okay to forgive people who have brought you pain. They deserve forgiveness, and you have a big enough heart to give it to them.  But, sweetheart, they don’t deserve to keep having your unfailing kindness. It’s not your job to make excuse for them all the time and back up their mistakes.

You deserve the love that makes you feel alive and wanted.

There will be people who won’t let you down. Someone is out there who wants to pick you up on your bad days just as much as you will pick them up. You will find somebody that will want to know everything that lies on your heart, and they will listen intently as you share. There is someone out there who wants to impress you. Someone who wants to watch you smile and grow throughout life.

You deserve the love you so willingly give to others.

It’s okay to move on and start over. New beginnings will be intimidating and scary to someone who has become used to a routine. But please, don’t be afraid to find something new. There are so many new chances you can take.

You deserve the love you thought you could never have.