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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MMM chapter.

With fashion being an ever changing medium, it can be super hard to keep up with what is on trend. However, sometimes when you hear that something is “in” you very quickly realize how “out” you want it to be. These are the top five trends that I need to just stop!


Ripped shirts

Why? Just why? I understand the ripped jean phenomenon; it creates a cute and relaxed look, but holes in shirts? I can’t wrap my head around it. I don’t understand paying for a shirt that is purposefully damaged. Or better yet, if you really want holes in your shirt, make them your selves. There’s no point in paying extra for a ripped shirt when it takes two seconds to make at home.

Fake vintage tees

Vintage tees are special because they have age to them. They typically have been passed down in time, which is what makes them so special. Vintage tees are also unique, so if you do choose to splurge it’s worth it. However, these mass produced fake vintage tees are ridiculous. They are more expensive than the originals with only a fraction of the value. They are just a gimmicky idea.

Underwear as outerwear

Please, just please, keep your underwear under your clothes. Bras are not shirts. Bralettes are passable and could maybe be seen as a cute crop top, but full on just a bra? Not okay.


Don’t get me wrong I love a good tee shirt to support a good cause, but the massed produced slogan shirt that was made in a sweat-shop is all for aesthetic and no cause. If you want to support women’s rights, buy a shirt where the proceeds go to a good cause like planned parenthood, not a company like Forever 21 that just prints the word Feminist on a shirt just to make more money for themselves.

Location apparel

Buying a jacket that says LA, but you’ve never been? That once again is just for aesthetic value and lacks substance. All in all just buy location apparel that has actual meaning to you.  

Just like Heidi Klum says on Project Runway, “One day you are in and the next you are out.” These trend need to listen to her and just get out and stay out! Please and thank you.