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What Girl Scout Cookie You Are Based on Your Sign

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

Capricorn- Do-si-dos (Peanut Butter Sandwich)

Capricorn, you are a natural born leader and an analytical critic. You can command a room when need be but you know when to let others take over. You are a tried and true, down to earth cookie, like the traditional, and a bit underrated, Peanut Butter Sandwich cookies.


Aquarius- S’mores

Like a S’mores, Aquarius, you have a hard outside and a soft, marshmallowy inside. You contain many layers that not everyone will see at first, but that’s what makes you one of a kind. You are known for being friendly and having something for everyone, but be careful to find a balance of all your flavors.


Pisces- Toffee-tastic

Pisces, you are artistic, empathetic, and emotional. You want others to be happy and to like you. Like you, these cookies are warm and unique, albeit a bit polarizing, and those who haven’t tried them are missing out.


Aries- Tagalongs (Peanut Butter Patties)

Fiery Aries, you will tolerate nothing but the best. Just like you, these cookies stand out. Like the graham cracker layer, you have a hard side, and like the peanut butter, you can be overpowering, but when balanced out with chocolate, you’re a perfect combination


Taurus- Trefoils (Shortbread)

Taurus, it’s no surprise you are Shortbread. As a land sign, you are down to earth and comforting, just as Shortbreads are simple yet classic. You love physical pleasures and dislike change and instability, which makes Shortbread a tried and true favorite, and you always know what you’re getting.


Gemini- Caramel Chocolate Chip

Double-sided Gemini, you are like the caramel chocolate chip cookies- you have the best of both world because you refuse to compromise on what you like. While not everyone can appreciate your complexity, your uniqueness makes you stand out from the rest.


Cancer- Savannah Smiles

Cancer, you are sweet and cute, just like these lemon shaped cookies. You remind people of the summer and of children’s lemonade stands. Capitalize on your innocence, Cancer, and find original experiences. You’ll find something new you’ll like.


Leo- Samoas (Caramel deLites)

Much like Leo, everyone has strong opinions on this lion’s mane shaped cookie. While some people love Samoas, others just hate them. Don’t listen to the haters, Leo, they’re just jealous (you already knew that though).


Virgo- Thanks-A-Lot

Virgo, you have great interpersonal skills and proper manners, and you seek to bring out the best in everybody. Like your type A personality, this cookie is delicious yet straight to the point and doesn’t waste time- it’s a layer of chocolate and a layer of cookie.


Libra- Lemonades

Like Libras, these cookies are sweet and people pleasing- but with a sour edge. Libra, you are kind and personal until someone gets on your bad side, then they deserve what they get. Keep on being you Libra, and don’t let anyone tell you different.


Scorpio- Thin Mints

Just like you, Scorpio, these cookies are popular but have a cool side. If aloofness were a flavor, it would be mint. At the same time, you are what comes to mind when people think of Girl Scout Cookies, and that can make you the topic of a lot of talk- don’t worry Scorpio, mostly good things.


Sagittarius- Cranberry Citrus Crisps

Sagittarius, you are unique and have your own zest for life. You know what you’re about and what you want. People may not always get you, Sagittarius, but you can go ahead and blame it on their unrefined taste. Not your fault they can’t appreciate a good cookie.

Biochemistry major and psychology minor, Mizzou Class of 2021
HC Contributer Mizzou