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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

This past week Reba McEntire’s song “Survivor” from her self titled TV show has been popping up all over TikTok. Users have started to make videos about various activities and chores that made them relate to Reba as a “single mom who works too hard.” This trend brings back all the memories of babysitting my little brother and pretending to be a single mother. Just me?

Typically videos using this sound contain a bold face type that explains situations that make the user feel as though they are doing motherly duties. In one video by TikTok user @elspacecowboy captioned, “What refilling the Brita feels like,” comparing the mundane task to taking care of a household of children.

Another user, @folding_clothes, made a video with the sound saying, “When you had a Build-a-Bear together and now you are a single parent,” while doing tasks around the house with said Build-a-Bear on her hip.

This trend quickly gained traction amongst the TikTok community. On July 26, McEntire made a video of her own to “Survivor” while feeding her two pet donkeys. The sound now has over 40,000 videos of users sharing various tasks that make them feel like a survivor.

One user, @iconaklast, grew his popularity when he began dressing up and doing his makeup to look like Reba. In total, the ICONA TikTok page created 14 videos dressed as Reba. Unfortunately, @iconaklast was forced to stop creating Reba content when McEntire’s team sent the user a Cease to Desist on Wed. July 28.

Personally, the trend reminded me of my roots, wiping up counters and picking up trash after my little brother while in middle school. This trend highlights the things that made me feel like a grown up during my middle and high school years. Topped with the Reba theme song, I am ready to binge all six season of Reba.

Adrian is an undergraduate student studying journalism at the University of Missouri in Columbia, Mo.