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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

Now that we are in the swing of things on the academic side, we are starting to settle down with our friends. As autumn brings sweaters and football, it brings the feels. Doesn’t it seem like everyone falls in love every fall? The summer flings turn into serious relationships and people cuddle up with a significant other to stay warm (even though a simple blanket could get the job done). Cuffing season in a full force and we all need a little guidance, to help us take a chance or protect ourselves from being hurt. Either way, if you are a hopeless romantic or have an 8-foot wall built around your heart, we need to remember that the Universe has a plan and that everything happens for a reason. We should let those things happen naturally, without interfering in one way or another.


  • Scorpio: You attract vibrancy into your life with every soul and activity you participate in. You can fall in love in 30 seconds and fall back out of it in other 25. This leaves you in a never-ending pursuit of love, in the best way possible: a fun and enriching way. That is why this Scorpio Season has everyone looking for their soulmate that brings light and color to the dark gray of the impending winter. As the ball is in your court, plan out your plays ahead of time. This isn’t as intuitive for you, but it is important to pace yourself. Love and let yourself be loved but take your time with each person that crosses your path. Not everyone deserves your love, and some people deserve more of it. Take the time and attention to decipher which is form of action is right for each person. Happy hunting!!

  • Sagittarius: There is a special person in your life, and as you weigh the pros and cons and try to decide if this is worth it, they may be slipping away. I want you to feel instead of think. Does it feel right? And not factually and scientifically proven to be right. It will be hard for you but it will be good, challenge you in a new way. Take some notes from your Cancer friends. You are caring person but not in the traditional sense, and that is amazing because we don’t get that in other forms a lot of the time. But, that can also be hard for other people to read and understand that you do love them. So, maybe you have to spell it out for them because this could be something really transcendental and you don’t want to lose that for no real reason except for communication disparities. As you accommodate them, make sure you make them accommodate you as well. The give and take will lead to a better relationship.

  • Capricorn: You are hard to read and it has been difficult to find someone but don’t get discouraged. It will work out eventually. The Universe will bring someone to you that will make the wait worth it. This time will be different. You won’t be left feeling like you didn’t get time to open up to someone. Someone will understand and dive into your fascinating soul. As your luck shifts in the romantic realm, don’t forget about your loved ones who have always gotten you, who have always been fascinated with you. There is a healthy balance between the two and once you find it, your life will feel brand new with the same people in it, doing the same things. Your perspective is key in this whole situation. Stay vulnerable and stay thankful. Search for more souls but keep the old close by, everyone should feel appreciated and an important competent in your life (because they are).

  • Aquarius: In the past, you were always one to be in a relationship and going from one to the next. And now, you haven’t been in one in some time and you are just doing you, more power to you for that, but be aware of what you are doing to other people in that lifestyle choice. I love and support having fun and doing what you want, when you want to, but don’t take down other people on your way. You have a beautiful gift of being what could be described as painfully independent. You don’t think you need anyone, and right now, you probably don’t. One day you will, and you want to have people to fall back on when that moment comes. So while you are young and wild and free, have fun, but let yourself need people. Let yourself fall in love again in the opportunity presents itself and let that opportunity present itself in the first place. Don’t cut yourself off because you like the freedom that comes with it.

  • Pisces: Love seems to come naturally to you, as you are so caring and conscious of other people’s feelings but you may not have that reciprocated. Don’t take it personally. People do care about you but it isn’t engraved in their being like it is in you. You were made to care about people,a dn as exhausting that is, we need you. We appreciate it, even if we don’t show it properly. Know that there are people that love you. Know that someone is coming that will make you feel as needed as you truly are. Be patient with us, as we learn to support you as you have been supporting us all along. This is one of the main things you offer the Universe and we need our Pisces to show us the way of compassion and understanding if and when we stray away. I thank you one the behalf of everyone because I see the work that you do. People will show you love, your family, friends, and even romantic partners, soon enough.

  • Aries: Congrats! You let life come and go and now you are back with the person that is right. The growth that you experience without each other will serve you both and your relationship well. Remember this lesson as you navigate other relationships with family and friends. It’s more than just distance makes the heart grow fonder. It’s distance makes the heart stronger and wiser. Give yourself time and space when you need it. And respect that when others may need it to. Never stay in one place if things aren’t working, move around, together or apart. Sometimes it is best to change together but other times you need to separately and then reconvene when the time is right. This is a true skill, so continue to work on this art. The Universe will begin to test you on this in different forms in the future so be prepared.

  • Taurus: Don’t try to control your relationships too much. Let them come and develop at their own rate. If something is starting, don’t try to force commitment right off the bat. Conversely, if something is ending, let it end, don’t try to hold on or cut it off before it naturally comes to close. Things happen and in a certain way, for a reason and too much intervention can be detrimental. You may find yourself always feeling lost, confused, and frustrated because things aren’t going your way, but they aren’t necessarily supposed to go your way. The Universe knows much more than we do, it may bring a person you wouldn’t ever thought of and it will work out perfectly. Let it do its magic.

  • Gemini: You are happy with the state you are in, whether that be in relationship or single. You are brilliantly existing, surrounding yourself with people that love you. Not needing more or less in your life, letting the moment be the way the universe intended it to. This brings more wonderful people in your life, some have the potential to become romantic endeavors and others don’t, but that’s OK. You have the ability to decode those people and make the best decision as it pertains to friendship vs. romantic. And, the more people you let positively change you, the more potential candidates you have and the continued growth of your support system, on different levels. This is a cyclical pattern, while you let the good times roll, more good times will roll. And we all envy you for that. We rip on Geminis a lot, but the free spirits you are all is refreshing and we should all take note.

  • Cancer: This whole article could be written for you and about you. You spend your free time watching The Fault in Our Stars and reading every romantic novel that you can get your hands on, not to mention your 8 different and completely unique love playlists for the 8 different people you want to date. It is beautiful that you can express and open yourself to that many people because most of us can’t do that. Never change, if it doesn’t work out, move on to the next. Don’t ever relentlessly loving every creature that enters your life. Other people will try to tell you to control your emotions, but I think it is your strength and why I love every Cancer I have in my life. Of course, you should be careful and healthy, but beyond that, go crazy. You remind us it is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all. Your emotions and passion and love will lead you to a fulfilling life and this time of the year is your time to capitalize.

  • Leo: “What is love?” You may find yourself asking yourself while looking in the mirror as you brush your teeth, and that’s natural. You have an enormous amount of love in your heart, but not limitless. You extend every ounce of love to your friends and family and feel that you have none left to dedicate to significant other, who will just complicate things in the end. These are all valid but save a little for not even a significant other, but yourself. Spend some time loving yourself and doing things for yourself. You will be surprised how far that goes, and how it can positively affect all your relationships, ones that may not even exist yet. You may find that reserving some love for yourself, may in fact, expand your ability to love and leaving some room for someone new and improved into your life and heart.

  • Virgo: Let it go. Let it go. Let. It. Go. Let go of the fantasy of every single person you connect with on a fairly surface level. Just because you have a few good nights filled with laughter and conversation, doesn’t mean you two are meant to be. If someone says they aren’t ready for something serious, respect that, even though the concept is foreign to you. Once you let go of all these infatuations across the board, someone will have the space to stumble into your life, and they might already be there but you don’t know it. Once you let go, you will be a weightless, open and more available to someone who can actually support your complexities and who is ready. Try to not read into every person and interaction to a microscopic level, and just let things (and people) come and go naturally. It will decrease your stress level and invite the right person into your life.

  • Libra: Take a leap of faith and go for the person you have been interested in. It has been awhile since you felt susceptible to anything romantic and that’s not healthy. Even if there is someone in your life, and you really like them, you don’t let them know that and you may lose them if you aren’t careful. You don’t even necessarily need to run and chase after anyone but if you are willing to talk to a person in any capacity beyond platonically, it will serve you well. You may not actually end up with anyone but the practice is just as important. I know that you used to operate as this vulnerable being that ended up in your pain, so now you cut yourself off, not willing to let anyone in or in your life seriously, but how will things get better if you don’t let them? If they are bad, obviously remove the negative energy from your life. But, if they are good, let them be good. Practice some caution but you should find a balance with faith.

HC Contributer Mizzou