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De-Stress Your Life with this Relaxing Night Routine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

The end of the semester, also known as the most stressful two weeks of the year, is finally upon us. While the sweet, sweet freedom of summer is rapidly approaching, so are exams and final project deadlines. If you’re feeling exhausted, hopeless, like a walking zombie or like you just can’t possibly go on (I feel all of the above at the moment) follow this relaxing nighttime routine to channel some zen and rid yourself of finals week-induced stress.


Step 1: Light some candles

(Source: wikimedia.org)

Whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed, or I just want to relax, I immediately light all of the candles in my room. I don’t know what it is about a chunk of wax with a flame on top that feels so calming, but candles work some serious magic when it comes to de-stressing. They feel almost comforting in a way, like a friend that says, ‘Relax, everything is going to be okay.’ Not only that, but they make any room smell delicious. My favorite calming scents are vanilla, sandalwood, lavender and cinnamon.


Step 2: Turn on some chill music

(Source: Spotify)

I have a very accurately titled playlist on Spotify called “chill.” See, it’s so chill that I didn’t even capitalize the C. I use it for times when I need to study, sleep or just feel like less of a crazy person. It’s basically half John Mayer, but who doesn’t love a good “Slow Dancing in a Burning Room” serenade? If you find words too distracting, acoustic guitar and classical are also good music choices to unwind to. These genres have been shown to lower cortisol levels (cortisol= the “stress” hormone), blood sugar, heart rate and pulse. Sounds pretty chill to me.


Step 3: Apply a face mask

(Source: effstarbeauty.blogspot.com)

When I put on a face mask, I feel like I have my s*** together. ‘I used to barely even wash my face at night,’ I think to myself. ‘And now look at me! I’m taking the time to put this goop all over myself and wait 10 minutes before wiping it off!’ Okay, maybe not everyone finds it as impressive, but I promise it will make you feel like better human. Taking care of ourselves and our bodies is too often something that gets put at the bottom of the to-do list, and it’s time we change that. By spending a little extra time pampering yourself, you’ll feel a lot more calm and relaxed. My personal favorite mask is the “Mask of Magnaminty” by LUSH Cosmetics. The peppermint oil gives the mask a soothing, minty fragrance, and the the ground aduki beans act as a natural exfoliant to leave your skin feeling baby soft.


Step 4: Just breathe

While all of the above steps will certainly help, it is ultimately your own mind that determines how you feel. College is hard, but remember that you have the capability to get through all of the ups and downs. Everything will work out in the end, so just take a deep breath and RELAX! You can do this!

Writer. Traveler. Starbucks regular.
HC Contributer Mizzou