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Get an IUD now… If It’s the Right Choice for You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Minnesota chapter.

Since the surprising election of Donald Trump to the nation’s highest office, I’ve seen a remarkably high number of articles circulating on my Facebook feed telling women to “Get an IUD now, while you still can!” I understand the sentiment: With Donald Trump in office, there’s a very real possibility that Obamacare will disappear, and that women throughout the country will lose their right to reproductive health products like birth control. So, why not go get an IUD ASAP that’ll last through these long and unpredictable four years?

Get an IUD if it’s the right option for you. But, before you rush to make an appointment with your gyno, please, please, please educate yourself about the different types of IUDs and how they may affect your body. Choosing the right form of birth control is a very important decision, and one that should be well thought out. In other words, don’t rush to get an IUD just because the internet is telling you to. Get an IUD after learning about all available forms of birth control, talking with your doctor and thinking about your body.

In my experience, getting an IUD actually wasn’t the best decision for me. Unfortunately, I experienced all the possible side effects: terrible cramps, weight gain, tenderness of breasts, acne, mood swings and a completely nonexistent sex drive.

Was it great to have risk-free, spontaneous sex? Yes. Did it hurt getting the IUD put in and taken out? No. It was quick, painless and free. And, like all the other articles are telling you, it might not be free forever. So, if after doing your research you decide an IUD is the best form of birth control for you and your partner(s), go for it. I encourage nothing, if not safe sex. But remember, any decision you make about your body and the products and devices you put into it should be a well-informed decision.

If you’re on the fence, here is some general information about the IUD. There are three types: the Paragard, which is a nonhormonal, copper IUD that lasts up to 10 years; the Mirena, a hormonal IUD that lasts for five years; and Skyla, a hormonal IUD that releases slightly less progestin as Mirena, and lasts for two years.

To learn more about the benefits and side effects of these and more forms of birth control, check out Planned Parenthood, WebMD, The Collegiette’s Unofficial Guide to Birth Contol, or talk to your doctor.

Here’s to reproductive rights!

Erika is a proud Golden Gopher, passionate about writing, designing, and working with others. She is graduating from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities in December 2016 with double majors in Strategic Communication and German, Scandinavian, & Dutch. In her free time, Erika likes to read, practice yoga, and try her hand at cooking, in addition to binge-watching episodes of Friends.