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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Minnesota chapter.

We all know that struggle of waking up for those 8 a.m. classes and sitting in bed, contemplating if we should go or not. Here are 10 tips to help you become a morning person and make your mornings a bit more bearable!

Set a fun alarm

Set an alarm with a good pump up song to really make you excited in the mornings. Waking up to the same old classic alarm tone can get so annoying. Use your favorite song to really wake you up and get your morning started right. Bonus tip: Turn off snooze so you have to be awake and staying in bed isn’t even an option!

Open your blinds as soon as you wake up

As soon as you open your blinds, that sunshine will wake you up and motivate you to get outside, and get going. Also, it’s hard to fall back asleep with that light shining in your room.


Stand up and stretch out any part of your body that you need to. Stretching rejuvinates your body and gets those muscles moving.

Drink a cold glass of water

This really wakes you up and gets your body going for the day. Tip: Challenge yourself to drink a full glass of water before you go for the coffee mug!

Try and get some exercise

Sometimes it isn’t always realistic for us to get up and go for a walk or run right away, so if not that, just try to stand outside and get fresh air or try some light morning yoga!

Get ready to pumped up, motivational music

Getting ready to upbeat music energizes your mind, and you’ll wake up even more by singing along to your favorite song. This also really helps start your day off with a positive attitude.

Have a delicious and healthy breakfast

Having a yummy breakfast is definitely something you can look forward to in the morning and will help you get out of bed. Do NOT skip breakfast—it’s a very important start to your day.

Prep clothes the night before

Sometimes you just lay in bed thinking about what to wear and dreading having to pick something out. This is also a huge morning time consumer. Picking out your clothes the night before can help save time, and make your day run a little smoother from the start!

Turn off electronics before bed

Try to read a book and relax instead of use your laptop and phone. It will settle your mind and help you go to bed earlier.

Take a shower at night

This is another thing you can do to save time in the morning. It can easily be put into your night routine and can also help you relax and unwind before bed.