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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

With the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it can be difficult to actually stop and take a moment to really think about what we’re celebrating. Between checking on the turkey, mashing the potatoes, and rolling the croissants, it can be easy to be distracted. Once the meal is ready and everyone is seated around the table, I love to take a moment to suck in the atmosphere of all the people I love laughing around me. As we enter Thanksgiving, I want to start with what I’m grateful for and make that the center of my focus rather than the stress of finals and upcoming holiday shopping.

First and foremost, I’m thankful for my family and friends. My family has so much fun together and I know no matter what, they have my back. They love to celebrate good times with me and are there to offer a shoulder when things don’t go my way. I know not everyone’s biological family offers the same support, but we all have our friends, the families we chose for ourselves. Family isn’t just about blood, it’s about love and care for the people closest in our lives. Families are the people you can always count on, regardless of your relationship title with them. 

Along with family, I’m thankful for my significant other. I think one of the most beautiful moments in a relationship is the moment where your significant other becomes your family; and that isn’t about marriage or a piece of paper, it’s the commitment to each other and the love you share. I’m so blessed I was given the most amazing person in the world to love and call mine, and become my family. 

I’m thankful for food! Turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, apple pie, hamburgers, pizza, tacos, milkshakes, lo mein…I’m getting ahead of myself. I’m thankful to be in a place where there is an abundance of food, not just on Thanksgiving, but all year round. More important than the food, I’m blessed by the unity around my table as we share it all.

I’m thankful for coffee! There’s just something therapeutic about holding a warm coffee mug and chatting with your best friends, or enjoying a quiet morning alone. Coffee just has a way of uniting people. (Not to mention I’m grateful for wine;)).

I’m thankful for a roof over my head and a place to host all my family. The people inside my house are what make it a home, and no matter where I am, if I have these people, I am home. 

There are so many wonderful blessings all around us that sometimes we get used to and forget to realize just how fortunate we are. This Thanksgiving and every day, don’t become numb to all the beautiful things in life, be cognizant of all these things, and think of ways to bless others as well. 

Happy, happy holidays everyone! I’m thankful for all my HC writers and all our readers! 



*All images courtesy of giphy.com 

Alyssa Dicker

Millersville '20

Alyssa will be graduating in May 2020 with her bachelors in Communications-Public Relations. She also is double minoring in English-Journalism and Marketing. Drawing inspiration from her relationship since 2014, Alyssa's favorite topics to write about are relationships and relationship advice. After school, she is getting married in October to her fiance Brandon, an ICU nurse at UPMC Pinnacle. Professionally, she hopes to work somewhere where she can be an advocate for children. 
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