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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Teacher Appreciation Week begins May 4 to 8 and National Teacher Day is May 5, but every day is a day to appreciate and recognize your teachers. For me, there were so many teachers that inspired me and helped me to further my desire to want to become a teacher. I came to this realization a few months ago. I had every teacher in my high school history department except for two. All of these teachers contributed to my love for teaching and history. It started when I was in eighth grade. My history teacher, Mr. Finkill made class fun and exciting every single day. I returned to his classroom as a junior in high school and he was my mentor for my internship. For two years I spent two periods a day in his classroom. I observed and taught and learned so much. He is truly one of my favorite teachers because it was because of him that I decided to become a history teacher.

empty classroom with wooden chairs and desks
Feliphe Schiarolli on Unsplash
Teachers are so important to students. I understand more each day the education they went through to spend every day back in a classroom. The impacts that a teacher can have on a student are much more deep than they can understand. As an annoying college student, you never realize how much work they do in order to help you do the best you can. When I was a senior and my dad was diagnosed with cancer, all of my teachers made sure they did what they could to help me out. I was out for several days and they all were understanding and helped me out. That year was the first year a teacher ever hugged me and told me that they were there for me, and it really made me realize how much teachers want to help you. They put in their time and effort for you.

Now that I am in pre-service, I understand. I follow all types of teachers on Instagram. I reflect on the methods and things that my teachers did. I attend conferences even though it is a little early for me. This past Novemeber I went to Texas to attend the National Council for Social Studies Conference. I want to do everything I can to prepare myself for my student teaching and my future as a teacher. There is so much I cannot prepare for, but taking the extra step to do so will always help. Reflecting and knowing that my high school teachers were some of the most influential people in my life helps me know that I am truly meant to be a teacher.

I strived to thank them when I could. There are many ways you can thank a teacher or professor. Reach out to them and thank them for the work that they do for you during this week. It is important to let the influential people in your life know that they are important to you. The smallest gestures could mean the biggest thing. For teachers, they often have hidden struggles that they never let their students see. All teachers need support from their students even in small gestures such as a thank you. Show them that you care and thank them for all that they do. Teachers are valuable and underappreciated people in our society for many reasons. Stand up and show a teacher how great they are.

a photo of an open planner
Free-Photos | Pixabay

Good luck to our Her Campus Millersville President, Miss Hannah Newman, who is going to be a wonderful elementary teacher as well as all graduating seniors going into the teaching world. Soon enough I hope to follow in your footsteps.


HXCO, Cecilia

Beyonce  Clapping


Cecilia Arvelo

Millersville '22

Cecilia is a Senior at Millersville University. She is a Secondary Education major concentrated in Social Studies. In her free time, she loves to read, watch movies, drive around and explore. She loves writing for Her Campus, being a part of Campus Trendsetters, and exploring all of Her Campus's opportunities.
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