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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Through the pandemic, many people have picked up new hobbies and habits. I am no such exception. However, now that a vaccine is present and there is a sliver of hope, I am deciding to reclaim more of my hobbies. Let me explain what my hobbies are so that you, dear reader, can know why I am reclaiming them.


When I was younger, up until my parent’s divorce, my dad and brother and I went fishing. I would catch little minnows or crayfish. I went on my own for the first-time last summer and it was a disaster. I lost bobbers, hooks, I forgot my bait. I got tangled up in trees. I struggled without my dad. This year I am reclaiming a hobby I loved so much. Though I for sure will probably struggle again, I need to do this. There was nothing I loved more than seeing my dad’s eyes light up when I caught a fish. I feel so happy just sitting and waiting, listening to the water and feeling the current through the line of my rod. I am reclaiming fishing as a way to reconnect.


I inherited my dad’s kayak. I’ve used it on my own when he was alive. Though I cracked my cars windshield, my short frame is still able to hoist it onto my car and drag it in and out of my water on my own. If you know from my “Waters of Life” article, water and kayaking are important to me. This is another hobby; I am reclaiming in the summer as a method of relaxation.


I’ve mentioned this one before, but painting is a great method to letting things out. My paintings have recently been straying from the works I normally did. I loved to imitate or recreate Bob Ross paintings. My own style is beginning to come out with my creations. I always paint in shorts because I see how messy I get when I am finished. My legs are typically covered in paint and I feel like a cool kid. I am reclaiming painting as a method of creativity.


I like to work out. It makes me feel powerful and successful when I have a good sweat on my body. I enjoy to run on a treadmill actually. However, my ultimate goal is to able to run outdoors. Weather really affects my ability to breathe so I have never really been an outdoor runner. Since gyms are limited or closed, I want to try to start running outdoors when the weather warms up. I want to claim outdoor running as a method to improve my health.


I have been a reader since I was young. I spent summers at my school library and a part of reading programs. I finished a chapter book in mere hours instead of days. Now, I barely read except when I am highly stressed. I love mystery books. I have a couple of books on my shelves that I need to get around to. My goal is to at east read 15 minutes a day. I am reclaiming reading as a way to live through another and explore.

This year is the year I have dedicated to creating a healthy, fun lifestyle for myself, so 2021 is my year of healthy living. This means reclaiming the things I love that bring me joy.

HCXO, Cecilia

Cecilia Arvelo

Millersville '22

Cecilia is a Senior at Millersville University. She is a Secondary Education major concentrated in Social Studies. In her free time, she loves to read, watch movies, drive around and explore. She loves writing for Her Campus, being a part of Campus Trendsetters, and exploring all of Her Campus's opportunities.
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