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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Hannah Mader is one of our newest writers here at Her Campus Millersville. She is a junior at Millersville and is from the Lancaster Area. She said that she loved senior year of high school because she had a very solid group of friends. After graduating from Penn Manor, she initially went to NYU but transferred to Millersville to pursue a major in Public Relations. While a minor is still under consideration, it may be an option for her in the future. Along with Her Campus, she is a member of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA).

Hannah loves the city life. Traveling means change to her and a change of scenery is the best. She prefers the city life compared to rural Lancaster where she lived her whole life. Though Downtown Lancaster is a nicer city, it is not as big of a city as she loves. In 40 years, she sees herself as the cool retired aunt who is always coming to and from her travels. She would like to be permanently living in New York. Hopefully she would have had a long and successful career that is winding down. As any retired person does, she would love to be atristic and fun and continually having a good time doing, “old people retirement things.”

Here are some additional fun facts about Hannah!

She gets her news sources from Twitter and the very handy Apple News app. 

If she had to keep one app on her phone it would be Spotify.

If she could have a super power it would be to read minds.

If she had to chose to be one kind of insect it would be a blue butterfly because she likes blue and would love to fly. 

Her favorite type of music is mainly pop music.

She is also an Aries! Happy Aries SZN!

Welcome Hannah to Her Campus! We look forward to all of your amazing articles.​

*Check out some of Hannah’s travelling pics on insta! @hannahmaderrrr

*Check out her articles here.

HXCO, Cecilia


Cecilia Arvelo

Millersville '22

Cecilia is a Senior at Millersville University. She is a Secondary Education major concentrated in Social Studies. In her free time, she loves to read, watch movies, drive around and explore. She loves writing for Her Campus, being a part of Campus Trendsetters, and exploring all of Her Campus's opportunities.