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Little by Little: Celebrating Progress

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

I remember in middle school, the months leading up to summer break meant relaxation. Teachers replaced serious assignments with word searches and movies during class. 

Oh, how I wish this was still the case in college. It seems like after spring break in March, my professors started slamming major assignments down on us: ten-page research papers, annotated bibliographies, and tedious group projects. What I imagined would be a downhill ride until the end of the semester became another steep uphill battle. To say I have been feeling overwhelmed these past few weeks is an understatement. Every morning I wake up with a to-do list down to the floor. Oftentimes, instead of feeling energized to complete my work, I just want to lay in bed and forget all that I need to get done. The more work I get, the less I want to do it, because it feels like too much

In response to this, I have started setting small goals for myself. It’s all about time management, a concept that isn’t so daunting if you break up your assignments into small parts. For example, I make it a point to write at least ONE paragraph of my history paper each day; I look at the next step in front of me instead of the entire staircase. 

But sometimes, there are days when I physically and/or mentally just cannot bring myself to write a paragraph. Everyone has those days where they just feel off their game. When I feel like this, I make the goal of writing one paragraph even smaller: I tell myself to find a source that I can use when I feel ready to write the paragraph. I copy and paste quotes from the source that I can paraphrase or expand upon at a later date. To make it even smaller, sometimes I just write a few choppy sentences or words that capture the gist of what I want to say next. Then, I put the assignment away, and work on “easier” classwork that doesn’t require so much mental strain. Taking time away from the assignments that give me stress helps me feel more refreshed when I revisit it the next day; by then, I usually feel ready to write a paragraph.

There is nothing wrong with taking some pressure off by letting yourself do “easy” work before the difficult, important assignments. Because that “easy” work is still on your to-do list, even if it’s all the way at the bottom, and crossing off something is better than crossing off nothing. Ask yourself, “Which of these tasks can I handle right now? Which one do I feel ready to do?” And when you do complete something, even if it’s small, reward and praise your efforts. This will help you stay motivated to keep completing tasks. 

Know that you are not alone in feeling overwhelmed and take each day one step at a time. I wish everyone luck with their final exams, and congratulations on finishing another semester at college! 


Camryn Gurecki

Millersville '25

Camryn is in the Class of '25 at Millersville University. She is currently pursuing a degree in English: Writing Studies with a minor in Strategic Public Relations. In her free time, she enjoys reading, painting, crocheting and listening to music.