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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

To my future self,

In just one short week you will wrap up your Junior year of college. This means that in just a few months you will begin your senior year of college, a year that seemed so so far away. Up until now, you have been pretty good about hiding your emotions to not only yourself but others. These last few weeks, however, have been an exception. The reality of your college career coming to a rapid close is begining to seem more and more real and that is such a scary thing. You have definitely taken advantage of every opportunity that your university has to offer, however you seem to have absent memories of what you actually have accomplished over these three years. Next year I want you to remmeber these things in order to make it the best year it can be. 

1. Take time for yourself

So often you put school and work before anything else in life. While work and your grades do really matter, you will have nothing more than that to look back on that when you reminisce on college.

2. You don’t always need to say no

You are such a go-getter in college that you like to fill your schedule with work and classes. Like mentioned above, this is really important, but you need to say yes to your friends sometimes because you want to have memories to look back on. College is not all about classes and grades, and having these experiences will help you to enjoy college a lot more.

3. Fill your schedule as much as possible

While many people do not agree with this, I think that you should try and make as many memories and be involved with as many organizations as possible. This will help to make you into a well-rounded person as well as help you have experiences that matter. 

4. Work as hard as you can

While grade are not the most important thing about college, you need to make sure you continue to push yourself and work hard to do the best you can during the last year of college. This will help you to get into the master’s program of your choice and will help set you up to get the best job possible!

5. Give yourself one relaxing night a week

This is important because your mental health is extremely important for your body. You need one night a week to let your body relax and reset itself for the week to come. The last three years you have not put your health first, and this year is the year that you will change that.

6. Let go

Realize that some people aren’t meant to be in your life, some people will come and go, and learn to accept that reality. The people who are meant to be in your life will stick around and that is what is important. Learn to love your friends and embrace the people most important to you. It will help to make your relationships even stronger. 


I hope that you have the best senior year possible Lex, because you truly deserve it.





Lexie Sites

Millersville '20

Hi! My name is Lexie Sites and I am a Early Childhood Education major with a STEM minor! HerCampus has allowed me to push my comfort zone, so I hope you enjoy reading my articles! HCXO, Lexie
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