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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

College should be some of the best years of your life, but they also can be some of the most stressful. If you’re someone like me, then you fill your days with classes, work, homework, and after-school activities. This leaves you virtually no time for relaxing and having a social life. I sometimes feel left out, and that makes me feel stressed when I think about a million things that I have to do. Below are just a few tips I have for how to stay happy and healthy during such a crazy time in your life! 

1. Workout!

This is probably my number one tip for how to help manage yourself when you are stressed. Working out helps with lifting your mood, and it lowers your stress levels too! What I like to do is find a few times during the week to workout (even just for an hour). I try and do this with a friend too so that it is healthy for me, but also gives me time with my girlies. 

2. Organize a Planner!

This is something that is so helpful for me! If I did not write stuff down that I needed to do, nothing would ever get done on time. My brain cannot remember everything, so writing it down is key! It lets me see what needs to get done, and view how busy each day is for me! That way I can plan accordingly and I never have any suprises.

3. Take a Night

Take a night or day for yourself! I never do this and I wonder why I always burn out! Yes you may have a million things to do, but if you constantly keep working and never give yourself time, it won’t be your best work anyways. It might be hard at first to step away from your busy life, but you’ll be thankful that you did. Take a night and go out with your girls!

4. Learn how to say NO!

This is my biggest tip, but truthfully the one I NEVER follow. I am such a go-getter, and while that is a good thing, it also makes my life so much more stressful than it needs to be. I think that knowing your work limit is so important and it’ll help to keep your brain healthier, but also your body. Stress does a lot of damage to your body, so learning how to not overwhelm yourself is key. This is a tip that I need to take LOL.

5. Sleep!

My fifth and final tip is to get some sleep!! I think that adequate sleep is essential for good performance in college and in life. Without good sleep you will be exhausted and not be as focused as you could be. Waking up feeling refreshed is essential and you need to sleep if you want to manage your schedule well.


Good luck this semester girlies!



*All images courtesy of Giphy.com


Lexie Sites

Millersville '20

Hi! My name is Lexie Sites and I am a Early Childhood Education major with a STEM minor! HerCampus has allowed me to push my comfort zone, so I hope you enjoy reading my articles! HCXO, Lexie
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