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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Quarantine has truly hit everyone hard and in different ways. I personally felt for the first few weeks that I would not be able to get a single thing done because of how bad I felt. I knew that I would have to do something about it, so I found ways to create a new routine. A routine would help me get back into the swing of things and allow me to have more control over my life. That idea may seem hard at first, but there are many easy ways to start a routine.  

Get Dressed For The Day

Getting dressed for the day is an easy way to start your day out. Although it might not seem to be effective, it really is. I personally have noticed a huge difference in my work performance and work ethic from getting dressed. It can boost your mood and make you feel like you can get any work done.

Have Breakfast 

Breakfast is known as the most important meal of the day and it truly is. It fuels your body and allows you to have the energy to get work done. I’ve also seen the huge impact that eating breakfast has had on me. I’ve been able to get through my long classes and all of my work without being too exhausted after eating. Having breakfast is a great way to start your day and start going back to eating consistently.

Plan Out Your Day 

The biggest thing that has personally helped me is planning out my days. Knowing what needs to be done and when can really help you plan out when you need to work on something. It also helps you be able to learn on what days you can rest and take it easy and what days you need to sit down to get work done. You will truly see an improvement in your work when you plan out when to do it. 

Take Breaks 

Although it is important to get work done, it is even more so important to take breaks. You should not be working so hard that you fry your brain; that is not healthy. I personally take breaks and do activities that are different from the work I’m doing such as painting, taking a walk, taking naps, listening to music, and connecting with my friends. It is very important that you still are able to do the things you love because it will motivate you to get work done. 

Quarantine has changed our lives significantly, but that does not mean that we have to let it change everything. Creating a routine is a great start to being able to get through and cope with all of this. Just having a small level of control over our lives in such an unpredictable time shows us that we can and will get through this. 


HCXO, Sydney 

Sydney A. George

Millersville '23

Sydney is a Millersville University freshman with a Communication major,concentrated in Theatre. She loves the arts, fashion, and everything in between.
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