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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

As finals week approaches, I feel like every student I know is getting more stressed out. Last-minute papers to be turned in and upcoming exams can cause a lot of stress for people. Personally, I feel like I’ve been buried in papers for these past few weeks, and now summer vacation is just days away, but there’s still one more week to go. While studying for finals is important, so is self-care. Here are some of my favorite ways to practice quick self-care when you feel overwhelmed.

  • Go for a walk

I don’t know about you, but something about going outside and getting fresh air just instantly resets my mind. Being outside is really important for your mental health, and it’s a great way to take a quick break when you feel overwhelmed. Personally, I am inside all day between my job and classes, so even little amounts of sunlight can brighten up my day. 

  • Dance it out

Now this one is my favorite, and you don’t have to be a good dancer to dance it out (I know I’m not). You can be alone in your dorm room, or out with friends, but just find a few minutes and play that song. We all know the one I’m talking about, that guilty pleasure song that makes you feel like you are on top of the world. Just give yourself those few minutes to reset and remind yourself that you are a boss while cranking out some moves. 

  • Take a bath

There is nothing better to help reset your body than taking a nice warm bath. Not only does this allow you to slow down and physically relax, but the warm water helps your muscles to relax as well. You can either just take a simple bath, or add bubbles or essential oil to spice it up! Sometimes I even like to light some candles and grab a glass of wine. 

  • Meditate

While all of the options above are amazing, sometimes you just can’t get to a private place, or you can’t sneak outside for a little bit. Meditation is the perfect way to reflect on your day and what is going on around you, no matter where you are. Meditation can just be a minute of closing your eyes and checking in on yourself and your body or simply a three-minute breathing exercise to help center your mind.

The most important thing is to remember to take care of yourself. I know that life can get really busy, but you have to remember that you are #1.



Charlotte Molitoris

Millersville '23

Charlotte is part of the Millersville Her Campus chapter and is currently on the board as the philanthropy chair. She is a senior at Millersville University and is majoring in sociology with a concentration in criminology and a minor in gerontology. She spends her free time listening to music and hanging out with her dog, Maxi.