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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

While it may seem impossible to find happiness some days, there are still little joys we can enjoy and look forward to each day. Sometimes, it is truly the small things that bring us happiness. Here are five things to look forward to the next time your day needs a lift. 

The Sunrise

The sunrise is a gentle reminder that everyday is a new chance to start again and reach for our goals. No matter how hard a day has been, the sun will always rise the next day. 


Music is one of the most powerful de-stressors. If you need a pick me up, think about picking up your phone and opening your music app. 

A Good Book

There is nothing better than the smell of a new book. Take some time to escape to a new world filled with wonder. 


After a long day, head home and light your favorite candles. Enjoy the sweet smells and know that you made it through the day. 

The Sunset

The sunset is our sign to wind down and find comfort in the fact that you succeeded in completing another day. Even if your day did not go as planned, you made it through. Enjoy the beautiful colors of the sunset and breathe. 

I hope these simple pleasures will remind you to look for little pockets of joy throughout your day. 



Taylor Hough

Millersville '21

My name is Taylor Hough and I am a Senior at Millersville. I am a dual secondary English and Special Education major! I am passionate about being active and I am a Fitness Instructor at the SMC Fitness Center at Millersville. My Favorite activities include reading, dancing, working out, eating Chick-Fil-A, and spending time with my loved ones!
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