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Tessa Pesicka / Her Campus
Wellness > Sex + Relationships

Finding Your Individual Happiness This Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

As many people do, I have had some ups and downs in this rollercoaster of life. I am sure many of us have been upset over a romantic relationship that did not work out, or just wondered why we were not good enough. But the truth is, there is nothing wrong with you. Growing up, I watched countless romantic comedies, thinking that real life would be just like a romcom. This might have been semi-detrimental to my own view of the world. Especially since I used to believe that the only thing that would make me feel 100 percent happy was being in a relationship. However, I am finally learning just the opposite. It is perfectly okay to be single! 

Haters Taylor Swift

Movies, dating apps, social media and TV shows idealize romance in a way that could contribute to something I like to call “singles sadness.” Some people love the independence of being single, while others crave a companion or connection that seems so out of reach. I have realized that I am lucky to have a panel of supportive people behind me in my life; even though I may not be dating anyone, that is okay. I am still a bit of a hopeless romantic, nothing wrong with that, but now I just find love in different ways. Getting coffee with my friends, study hangouts, thrifting, midnight drives, road trips and music are alternatives to being upset for not having a Valentine.


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Becca Tapert on Unsplash

I am on a journey to love myself for all that I am, and I encourage other women to do the same. I am not a professional at this, but baby steps have helped me get to the place I am today. I am a confident, loving, smart, determined woman and I am letting go of single sadness! I am going to trust the timing of my life.  

Flowers Colorful Summertime Window Fun Original
Charlotte Reader / Her Campus

As well as learning to show up for myself, the friendships that I have made enrich my life as much as having a significant other may.  Once you realize that being by yourself is not so bad after all, you are on your way to a very successful and joy filled life! Smile, love yourself ladies and continue to be badass! 

HCXO, Sharon Curcuru 

Sharon Curcuru

Millersville '20

Sharon is a marine biology major who enjoys the beach and writing poems, short stories, articles, and journal writing.. She also loves nature, hiking and animals. Sustianability topics, love, and LGBTQ plus are topics near and dear to her heart.