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The End Of The Semester As Told By Mean Girls

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Alright Collegiates, it’s that awful time of year again where we get back from the beautiful (but too short) Thanksgiving Break. To me, the last couple weeks after Thanksgiving Break are the worst. These weeks are filled with meltdowns, horrifying due dates and annoying group projects. It’s only the second day back from break and I have already had three crying sessions, two urges to flip tables and one overwhelming urge to throw my textbook at someone’s face. If you are already struggling with your emotions this article is definitely for you.

That moment when you’re in the middle of class and just want to cry but you tell yourself that you have to keep it together:

You can do this! Remember to breathe through your sobs when you finally do crack (it’s better to not faint from lack of oxygen). On a more serious note though, we can make it through these couple weeks. It’s definitely going to be hard and we are going to have these moments but just breathe through them and buy yourself a coffee or chocolate (anything to make you happy again).

That moment when someone in your class reminds the Professor about an assignment:

Why do you have to be like that? If the Professor forgot to mention it then everyone should know to keep their traps shut! Let’s be honest, we have enough on our plates right now and if a Professor forgets about an assignment then we should take that as an early holiday gift. 

When you think you dominated an assignment but in all actuality you completely messed it up:


That moment when your Professor adds even more homework assignments to your long list (even though it wasn’t on the syllabus):

At this point you just have to try to roll with the punches (even if those punches feel like they’ll knock you out). Remember, these last few weeks of the semester are the most important to keep your personal to-do lists (and agendas) up-to-date. If you keep these up-to-date handling all of the new assignments (or forgotten assignments) will be easier to control.

When all of your assignments suddenly become due:

Where did all the time go? I thought this assignment was not due for another week or two. . . 

When someone compliments your hard work after you’ve already felt defeated by it:

Have you ever felt bullied by your own work? Drafts are amazing until they begin to feel hopeless. Lately it just feels like I’m taking out the garbage when I hand in some homework assignments – almost as if, no matter how hard I try, it’s not going to be perfect. #LosingStreak

When someone starts complaining about their “long” list of assignments to complete but it’s not even close to how long your list is:

Even though you wish you had the amount of assignments as they do, you still have to try to pretend to care. These few weeks are constantly filled with pretending: pretending to care, pretending not to cry, pretending you got enough sleep the night before, pretending your inner hulk doesn’t want to come out and play and even pretending you know what you are doing even though you have absolutely no clue.

How it feels when everyone else in your class is dominating their projects but your still have absolutely no clue what you are doing:

You cannot help but feel like garbage when everyone else is getting amazing feedback on their assignments but you haven’t gotten any feedback at all. When this happens you just need to keep trudging forward and pretend to be confident (again, these last few weeks are filled with pretending).

When you finally finish that huge assignment that has been tormenting your soul the entire semester:

Boom! Done! It feels so good when you finally finish a stressful assignment that you just want to throw it in the air and walk away like Regina (you won’t though because, let’s be honest, you worked REALLY hard on that assignment and it would be a pain in the butt to actually pick it all up and reorganize it again #laziness). 

Alight Collegiates, I know these new few weeks are going to be rough but soon it will be over and then we will have a long break to recuperate:

We CAN make it through these next couple awful weeks. Remember to keep up with your agendas and reward yourself for making it through the day. Also, remember that it is okay to have a meltdown – it is important that you take care of yourself. 

Stay strong, Collegiates 


*All images courtesy of Pinterest and Giphy

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Elizabeth Nace


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