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Breaking News: I Grow Hair on My Legs!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

With the weather not being able to make up its mind, it is hard to tell if tomorrow you will be wearing shorts or pants. While I am constantly wondering what type of outfit to wear to be comfortable with the weather, I will tell you something that I am not worrying about – shaving my legs. There has almost always been a common belief that females should shave their legs, and sadly that belief has turned into a feeling of pressure on girls and women all over the world. There is a twisted way in thinking that in order to be feminine, a women’s legs should always be devoid of hair. I am here to tell you that you should not have to feel that pressure.


I am a full-time college student while trying to support my way through school academically and financially. My schedule is very hectic and sometimes I do not even have time to breathe, let alone shave my legs, so forgive me if you see a little fuzz in an area where you think it does not belong. It breaks my heart when I hear stories about girls not getting to wear what they wanted to on a certain day or canceling plans last minute because they ‘forgot’ to shave their legs. In my opinion, this is something that does not have to be ‘forgotten.’ Instead, it should be something you choose to do or choose not to do. Girls should not undergo so much stress about skipping out on shaving their legs whether it is intentional or not. Girls should also not feel embarrassment or try to hide away if they realize they have noticeable hair on their legs. If someone notices they have unshaved hair on their body, they should be able to shrug it off and go on with their day.



For those of you who have disagreed with me thus far, I am sorry, but biology will continue to work as biology does. The body will continue to produce what the body naturally produces. A woman is not less feminine from having more hair and men are not less masculine from having less hair. Hair is hair and it grows on different areas of the body in different ways; we might as well accept it as it is rather than fighting something that is inevitable.


I am not against shaving, waxing, plucking, or other methods of hair removal. I still shave my legs, but it is when I feel like it. I am not rushing to the bathroom and shaving all my hair off when I see some stubble. I am not pulling my dress down so that the hair on my legs is not visible. No one controls what I do to my body but me. If someone gives me a weird look because of having body hair, it does not mean I am the only human being who grows hair on my legs, and I do not need to feel that way either.


It is also important to remember that you are more than what people think of you and you are more than the hair that grows on your legs. Having hairy legs does not take away your degree, it does not affect how well you can perform in a job, it does not affect how friendly or passionate you are, and it definitely does not take away your beauty. So, shave your legs or let them go free. We have bigger problems in the world than a girl walking down the street in a dress without having her legs shaved.

HCXO, Kasidy

Image courtesy of Google Images

Kasidy Bidelspacher

Millersville '22

Dancer. Writer. Lover. I am a twenty-one-year-old junior with a psychology major. I am just going about my life trying to spread more love :) Check out my published poetry book on Amazon and eKindle called "Lotus Flowers" !
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