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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Sitting and staring at a screen all day takes a toll on your body. Your muscles tighten and things get sore; I know this from experience. Since my classes went completely remote, I have noticed more tension in my neck and back especially. Here are five stretches to help loosen you up, improve your poster, and fight muscle pain from sitting at your computer all day.

Shoulder Rolls

Stand up straight with your arms at your sides and rotate your shoulders forward and then rotate them backwards. Make sure to keep breathing and keep your back straight the whole time.

Chest Opener

Stand up straight with your hands at your sides. Reach both hands behind your back so that they meet palm to palm, and then link them. Pull your hands down and away from your back as you lift your chest up. 

Star Stretch

Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Reach your hands up towards the sky with your palms facing forward. Spread your fingers and then lift yourself up onto your tiptoes while stretching your arms up. 

Posterior Neck Stretch

Sit or stand up straight with your head facing forward. Slowly bring your chin towards you chest until you feel the stretching in the back of your neck and upper back. Hold for about 10 seconds. Then slowly move your head towards either shoulder and hold on each side for about 10 seconds. 


Stand up tall with your back straight. Take a step forward with one leg, keeping the other in place, and slowly lower yourself to the ground. Both of your knees should end up bent and your back should be straight the whole time. Repeat using opposite legs. 



Nakiah Baker

Millersville '23

Nakiah is a sophomore transfer student from Messiah College, now attending Millersville University. She is majoring in Secondary Education with a concentration in English. Her hobbies include reading, writing, hanging out with friends and family, and exercising.
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