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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Fast Fashion is a huge issue facing our generation and society as a whole. It is horrible for our environment and for our wallets. Cheap pieces of clothing that are only made to last for a season create a chain of waste that affects all of us. There are many ways to fight fast fashion, but here are the four easiest ways that I found to fight fast fashion. All of these are ones that you can easily apply to your lifestyle no matter who you are. 

Buy Second Hand or Thrift

Buying pieces second hand is an easy way to get new clothes without buying clothes constantly. There are two different ways that you can do this, online or in stores. Due to the popularity of thrifting, there are now online options. Websites like Depop, Thredup, Poshmark, Ebay, Etsy, and even Instagram allow people to get rid of what they do not want anymore. If that isn’t your style, you could go to a thrift store or local business that sells thrifted clothing. A local place that I like to go to is Basura Thrift Boutique in Downtown Lancaster; they have fantastic pieces there. 

Buy Staple Pieces that Can be Used an a Variety of Outfits

When you buy pieces that can be used for multiple looks, you save both money and fight fast fashion. Pieces that are useful for a variety of outfits include basic t-shirts and black or dark colored shoes. It’s important to always buy good quality staple pieces that you know will last a while. 

Donate Your Clothes

Donating is the easiest way to fight fast fashion. Thrift stores are always looking for new pieces to sell and give to those who need it. It’s an easy way to get rid of your clothes while also helping others.

Resell your Clothes

When you sell your clothes, you are able to get something out of it. The other person can get a new piece of clothing and you can get money that you can use for something else. Websites like Depop, Poshmark, Ebay, Etsy, and even Instagram can also be great places to sell your unwanted clothes. You can also sell them to places like Plato’s Closet to get money or store credit back.

All of these small actions seem simple, but they will be very impactful towards the fight against fast fashion. 


Sydney G.

Sydney A. George

Millersville '23

Sydney is a Millersville University freshman with a Communication major,concentrated in Theatre. She loves the arts, fashion, and everything in between.
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