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3 Things I’m Thankful for This Thanksgiving

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

I hope you’re ready to stuff yourself silly because Thanksgiving is just around the corner! While the menu is certainly high on my list of priorities for the holiday, it’s also important to remember what Thanksgiving is all about- giving thanks. *Ahem.* So since the day is almost here, I wanted to share with you three things that I am grateful for this holiday.

My family

C’mon, you guys knew this was going to be the first on the list. Yes, we all love sharing the holiday with our family- blood or chosen- but that is why it’s especially worth mentioning. My family is so important to me because they are always here for me. They are the ones I fall back on when I have nowhere else to go. They are my biggest cheerleaders, and the most comforting shoulders to cry on when I’m down. That includes my boyfriend Bradley who is amazing and always makes me happier when we are together, whether I start off happy or sad. I am also including my close friends here (shout out to Annie!), because when you find your people, they become part of your family.

A short break from classes

Before starting college, I had this sweet, romanticized idea of what Thanksgiving break would be like. I would come home to spend time with family, maybe bring a friend or boyfriend home with me to meet my family, and enjoy a fun-filled break from school. In reality, I am a commuter who comes home to my family each day after classes and my boyfriend eats dinner with us most nights, and I am so happy about both of those facts! Although, I would like to get more of a break from school than I do. Fortunately or unfortunately, Thanksgiving break usually becomes a time to catch up on papers and projects before finals start. I don’t know what I would do without this extra time to wrap up loose ends, though!

The feast

We all know what really makes Thanksgiving one of the best holidays *wink*. It’s the reason why this great tradition has carried on for so long. I simply could not make a list detailing the things that I’m most thankful for on Thanksgiving without talking about the food. Mashed potatoes, turkey and gravy, stuffing, macaroni and cheese, pumpkin pie… what was I saying again?

This is obviously not an exhaustive list because there are truly so many things to be thankful for this season and always! I cannot wait for Thanksgiving, and I hope you all have a wonderful holiday spent with loved ones and copious amounts of delicious food!



Autumn Schmoel

Millersville '23

Hi! I'm Autumn, a senior at Millersville University majoring in business administration and minoring in entrepreneurship. I’m also the bonding coordinator for Millersville’s chapter of Her Campus. I love reading, writing, and crafting (you name it)!