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10 Ways To Mentally And Physically Prepare For Student Teaching

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

As we finish up the first half of the fall semester, many future educators are starting to begin their semester field placement. Whether it is only for a few days each week, or your senior year field placement, it can be a very stressful and hectic time of the year. I myself am an Early Childhood Education major and I am about to start my sophomore year field placement (ekkk! So. Exciting!!). I am here to provide you with some tips to help your placements run as smoothly as possibly. If you are a future educator looking for some tips, continue reading below!

1. Dress for success:

As a future educator, you should always be dressed as professionally as possible. On your first day in the field, try and wear your favorite professional outfit. If you look and feel your best on the first day, it will eliminate the nerves you may be having.

2. When times get stressful, remember to *breathe*:

Times in the classroom will be stressful, remember to breathe and not allow your temper to rise. You have to remind yourself why you are there and try not to let a specific situation ruin your day. The more optimistic you think, the better your day will go.


3. Organize your field assignments ahead of time:

Your teacher co-op’s are looking for prepared and responsible teacher candidates. You should have all of your assignments that you need to complete while in the field with you on the first day. That way you can discuss these with your co-op on the first day and set aside time during your placement to complete those.

4. Celebrate!

All of the hard work that you have put into this semester in order to prepare to student teach has finally paid off! You should be excited to finally get to do what you are studying for. Get excited because this is the next step toward your career!

5. Take good care of yourself:

Remember that even though field is really important, it should not consume your entire life. You will become drained if you do not take care of yourself. Each night before field spend time doing something for yourself. Whether that be lighting a candle, doing a facemask, buying that cup of coffee, or reading, do something that will relax you and make you happy.

Remember, that as important as your field placement is, you can not let it run your entire life. Be professional and make the most out of the experience you have. Field should be an exciting time to test out the methods that you have been studying in class thus far. Good luck collegiates!!


HCXO, Lexie

*All photos courtesy of Giphy

Lexie Sites

Millersville '20

Hi! My name is Lexie Sites and I am a Early Childhood Education major with a STEM minor! HerCampus has allowed me to push my comfort zone, so I hope you enjoy reading my articles! HCXO, Lexie
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