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The struggles of an international student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami chapter.

Being an international student in the U.S is mostly amazing, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything — but sometimes it’s a struggle. 

Teachers, friends — or anyone really — can never get your last name right. You now respond to about five different variations, and a couple of variations of those variations.


You’re for the most part completely lost on the American Holidays and traditions… What the heck is turkey day??

You have to repeat yourself at least once a day because people struggle with your accent.

Bringing stuff back for your friends and family is like

European geography doesn’t always fly that well in America… I have given up on correcting people who believe that I’m from Switzerland when I say I’m Swedish.

“Say something in your native language?”


Being an international can be tough sometimes, but it’s definitely worth it!