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Best Apps For Procrastinators

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami chapter.

Let’s face it, procrastinating is a reality for a large number of students. It’s a habit that’s even harder to break because of the many distractions coming at you. Luckily, there are apps out there that can constantly remind us what we’re supposed to be doing. These apps are reliable and should work, especially as a lot of us are constantly on our phones or computers. 

1. SelfControl 

This is an AMAZING app that you can download for free on your MAC and there’s another version for windows as well. It’s completely fool proof. All you have to do is download the app and then add the distracting websites onto the list. Then, you set a time on how long you want to focus. If you want to procrastinate studying and go on facebook, you can’t until the timer is up. It doesn’t matter what you do. You can uninstall, throw your laptop out of the window or scream, until that timer is up, those websites are completely out of your reach. It’s self discipline for those who have none. Unfortunately, this exact app isn’t on the iPhone yet. 

2. FocusNow 

FocusNow is an iPhone app that makes you focus on any task you’ve set your mind to. Let’s say you have to study for an hour, so you set the time. You’re given a virtual plant that will grow if you refrain from exiting the app and focus on your task. If you get out of the app and get distracted, your plant will die. This will inevitably bring you shame. So whenever I set the timer, I’m reminded that I don’t want my plant to die so I better keep on task for a few more minutes. Level one is the tomato, and you can unlock other types of fruits and vegetables the more plants you grow. 

It’s a pretty convincing image isn’t it? Face it. You can’t stop procrastinating. The plant withers just like the amount of time you have left before that exam.  Don’t care if your friends make fun of you because of your virtual tomatoes. Do what you have to do. Every tomato is one victory against procrastination.

3. Procrastinatorr 

This procrastination app lets you put in the task you want to complete and the time you want to dedicate to it. What sets this app apart is that when you get off the app, it sends you sassy push notifications like, “Why are you doing this to me?”, “Get back to work!” and “Think of the kids.” It’s hilarious and gets your attention if you’re doing something else on your phone. It’s entertaining and helpful. It takes a lot out of you to ignore the notifcations. If you disable them, then you’re kinda cheating yourself. Don’t do that. 

4. Focus Keeper Free 

FocusKeeper is a free iPhone app that has the same timer as other apps, but  a lot more flexibility. It uses the Pomodoro technique that divides work into short increments and makes room for breaks. You choose a task, set the timer to 25 minutes, foucs on the task until the timer rings and then take a short break. Once you have done 4 focus sessions, you can take a longer break up to 20-30 minutes. This app in my opinion can help you develop long term time management skills that involve breaks and not perpetually torturing yourself. 

5. Nudgy Note 

Nudgey Note is a more social procrastination app in that you put in the tasks you want to do AND it lets you get your friends involved. You can get it to remind you to complete your task and your friends can send you a message also reminding you to complete it. You get a “nudge” reminder when you need to complete the task. It makes friends your motivators, which is pretty unique compared to other procrastination apps. The reminders are also cute and fun. If a friend forgets to remind you, there is a trusty NudgePal who will remind you for them. 

And now for the most reliable app of all……..

6. Your Brain 

The best long term fix for procrastination is training yourself to stop. The brain is an amazing organ; lucky for us, it allows you to adapt and make new habits, even switch up priorities. We can train ourselves to eventually WANT to do the tasks we dread now. It’s easier said than done for sure. Training ourselves may take YEARS. But it’s worth trying. Change is a daily decision. Choose daily to get out of your comfort zone, to make your tasks less huge and scary. Stop with the self berating. You aren’t a lazy person. You aren’t a bad person. This is just something you have to work on. 


I love writing, cheesecake and Fanfiction.