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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami chapter.

In her 2014 launch of the He For She campaign, Emma Watson made a point of prompting men and boys into action in the fight for gender equality: “Men—I would like to take this opportunity to extend your formal invitation.” The five men in these TED talks have sent in their RSVPs.

1. Bring on the Female Superheroes

Christopher Bell found himself asking, “Why is it that when my daughter dresses up, whether it is Groot or the Incredible Hulk, whether it’s Obi-Wan Kenobi or Darth Maul, why is every character she dresses up as a boy?” This isn’t a talk on female superheroes, not really. This father wants to know where all the female superhero ‘stuff’ is… don’t you? Watch it here

2. A Call to Men

In this talk, Tony Porter comes right out says there’s this thing called a  “man box.” You want to guess what’s in it? Aggression, domination, courage. Here is a man who is challenging the definition of manhood. *finger snaps* Catch it here.  

3. Violence Against Women is a Men’s Issue

Jackson Katz refuses to categorize gender violence issues as ‘women’s issues.’ Instead, he tells us how they are “men’s issues first and foremost.” This talk is a call to action that gives a refreshing take on choice and responsibility in the realm of a global issue. Watch it here.  

4. How I Started a Sanitary Napkin Revolution

I mean how could a man who’s talk has the words “sanitary napkin” in its title not make the list? Arunachalam Muruganantham couldn’t understand what buying sanitary napkins had to due with his wife’s milk budget. So, naturally, he went to the store, bought a pack, and started playing with a pad. Catch it here

5. My Daughter, Malala

We all recognize the name Malala Yousafzai. Guess what? Her father is pretty amazing too. In this talk, Ziauddin Yousafzai talks about using “education for emancipation” and what it was like bringing up a daughter without clipping her wings. Watch it here.

An avid reader of words, Bri studies Political Science, History, Philosophy and Sociology. She enjoys reading, movies, civic engagement, and making weird faces in pictures. Her five siblings are some of the most important people in the world to her, which is why she makes them watch Disney movies. Bri aspires to break barriers and be a warrior with a government issued name tag.