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Yoga Superstar – Sophie Greenberg

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami (OH) chapter.


Meet this week’s HC Campus Celebrity, Sophie Greenberg. Sophie is a freshman with a love for art—particularly the art of yoga—and it’s this love that led her to decide to start teaching her own yoga classes. Sophie currently teaches the “Hot-Power Vinyassa Flow” classes at Root Yoga, providing attendees with a high-energy yoga workout. As far as her experience with Root Yoga is concerned, Sophie mentioned that “anyone is welcome to Root Yoga and they should expect an awesome yoga class and a sense of community.” As for Sophie’s history with yoga, keep reading to find out what she has to say about her personal experiences, her involvement with the practice, and her advice to aspiring yogis and fitness teachers!


Her Campus: What got you hooked on yoga?

Sophie Greenberg: I went to my first yoga class at Simply Power Yoga in Loveland, Ohio in 2012. Immediately, I was hooked. I loved how yoga was physically challenging, and once I learned how to connect my breath to the movement of my body, I was clearing my mind. The power yoga I practice is hard, but the way my mind and body feel after I practice is always worth the challenge. 


HC: What drove you to start teaching your own yoga classes?

SG: After years of practicing, I wanted to be able to share my love and passion for power yoga. I started by teaching mini yoga classes to friends at home and at my summer camp. After returning from summer camp in 2014, I knew I wanted to take my yoga journey to the next level, so I applied for a 200hr RYT (Registered Yoga Training) program. Yoga training was intensive and physically and mentally demanding. However, I completed the program and started teaching at Simply Power Yoga. 


HC: What’s your favorite part of practicing yoga?

SG: My favorite part of practicing yoga is the escape it provides. When I am practicing, I am focused on myself and no one else around me. Yoga is an independent activity and one can learn a lot about themself when practicing.  Also, I love the growth that is involved in an individual’s yoga practice. I never feel stuck in a pose or bored with the practice because I know I can always learn new poses and make new additions to my own practice. 


HC: What makes yoga different from other forms of exercise?

SG: Yoga involves every part of your body.  You work every part of your body and you mediate, which works and relaxes the mind. Also, yoga is an old form of exercise that is safe. Yoga focuses on working your body up to a certain pose rather than hurting yourself to get into a pose that your body is not ready for. Lastly, every part of the practice is needed and connected. For example, we sit still in mediation to prepare ourselves for the stillness in a more challenging pose.


HC: What advice would you give to girls considering taking up yoga, or even teaching their own fitness class?

SG: Be confident! When first trying yoga, don’t look around the room and compare yourself to others. It is your own practice and it is okay if you mess up. I have been practicing yoga for years and I continue to lose my balance and fall down in classes. Also, have fun with yoga.

For those teaching their own fitness class, confidence is still key. If the instructor seems nervous, the students in the class will hold back as well. 


HC: What are the main benefits to practicing yoga?

SG: Yoga strengthens your body. Personally, I have gained a lot of core strength from yoga because every pose activities the core. Having core strength is very important because it can help relieve back pain. Plus, yoga is a major stress reliever. Yoga keeps your body aligned and your mind happy! 


HC: If you could suggest one pose that even a non-yogi should be doing daily, what would it be and why?

SG: Everyone should do a simple forward fold daily. You can sit on your butt and fold over your legs or stay standing. Forward folds are good for us because they relieve tension in places such as the neck, spine and back, and they stretch your hips, hamstrings, and calves. Also, forward folds are good for our digestion, core, and organs. 

I'm a freshman at Miami University, currently enrolled as a strategic communications major!
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Shelby Hyde

Miami (OH)

Shelby Hyde is a senior journalism and professional writing double major with hopes of working in the wide world of publishing upon graduating in May of 2016. This Miami University (OH) Campus Correspondent/Editor-in-Chief is a fashion fanatic with a knack for words and bringing them to life. Shelby has had a wide variety of experiences throughout her four years at Miami, including working as Creative Services and Special Sections intern for Cincinnati Magazine, as well as a three-time returning style guru intern for well known fashion site, CollegeFashionista.com.The 22 year-old is Hoosier born and bred with a New Yorker status pending, and she's looking for something BIG! All inquiries can be forwarded to: shelbyyhyde@hercampus.com