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Surviving the Last Six Weeks: A Guide to the Semester’s End

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami (OH) chapter.

Almost every student returning from spring break knows how difficult it can be to shake the aura of relaxation and lack of responsibility in returning back to campus. With the end of the semester only weeks away, the motivation to buckle down and finish strong is seemingly non-existent. So, how does one rid themselves of this umbrella of laziness and push forward towards a successful finals week? Here are 5 ways to help you finish out the semester on a positive foot, and prepare yourself for the sweet summer months.

1. Hit the gym:

At times of low energy and motivation, this tactic can be one of the most difficult. BUT, once you get going with a solid exercise schedule, your energy levels will in turn start to increase. Not only will this help you to beat fatigue, but it will also get you into the habit of hitting the gym for the next few summer months!

2. Be extra:

Go ALL out with organization, color coding, and whatever else you need to do in order to feel like you totally have your sh*t together. Take the extra 5 minutes to give your notes a decorative header, post-it note your readings, and detail your planner as much as your heart desires. Doing so will give you a sense of control amidst the endless hours of studying and stress, thus taking the pressure down at least a few notches.

3. Plan your outfit out the night before:

I am a firm believer in the phrase, “look good, feel good”. However, if you’re anything like me, you’ll know that when the alarm goes off for that 8:30 class, you’ll press snooze as many times as you can. At that point, there’s no time for anything but leggings and a sweatshirt. By setting out an outfit at night for the next day, you allow yourself as much time as you need to pick out a killer look, and set yourself up to feel great.

4. Create a schedule:

Navigating your time around classes and meetings can be hard, and especially stressful with a heavy workload to top it off. Time management is so incredibly important, and creating your own schedule can really help you out with this. Block off time to study, time to relax, and everything else you need in order to complete the semester successfully. Don’t forget- be extra with this!

5. Plan some summer activities:

Finally, there’s nothing to get you through these last few weeks like crazy, fun summer plans to look forward to. Create a bucket list, goals list, or just jot down some things you’d find interesting and fun. Having something to look forward to will help expedite the process of studying and finals, because you’ll know that when you’re done an amazing summer awaits you.

Writer for Miami University
Caitlin Barry Senior Campus Correspondent for Miami (OH) Chapter of Her Campus