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Presidential Pair: Libby Lewis & Bobby Miller

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Miami (OH) chapter.

Meet one of Miami’s cutest power couples: Libby Lewis and Bobby Miller. Both seniors and leaders in the Greek community, Libby is the president of AXO and Bobby is the president of KA. When they aren’t busy managing their presidential duties or keeping up with schoolwork, you might find them at Brick together dancing to Queen. These two certainly know how to work hard and have a good time!

HC: How did you two meet?On spring break sophomore year in Gulf Shores, AL

HC: How long have two you been dating?A year and a half

HC: What is your favorite memory/experience together?Fourth of July in Washington D.C. , we spent the day at the zoo then watched the fireworks from the western terrace of the Capitol building.

HC: What is your favorite thing about one another?LL: Bobby’s intelligence, he’s one of the smartest people I know. And that jawline of course.BM: I love her funny voices that can always make me smile.

HC: What is your favorite thing to do together?Go bowling and watch game shows

HC: What are each of your favorite uptown hotspots?Chipotle, Brick and Bdubs

HC: Trashcans or Redskins?Trashcans – no doubt

HC: Will’s or Bruno’s?Bruno’s – for dem Bruno’s ballz

HC: Do you share the same taste in ice cream and/or music?Music – Queen

HC: Would you rather go on a date to Paesano’s, La Piñata or Sushi Nara? Nara

HC: What’s the best part about being leaders in the Greek community?There are very few organizations/leadership roles on this campus that put so much responsibility on their leaders and it’s pretty cool to see the impact you can make in just [one year of being in the position.

HC: How do you both think your positions have shaped your college experience? LL: Through my leadership roles I have learned to appreciate the importance of responsibility and accountability and matured a lot. BM: It has made me much busier and taught me about prioritization.

HC: What’s the most fun date you’ve ever had? OR What’s the best date party you’ve ever been to together?BM: Libby bought me Jimmy Buffett tickets for my birthday last year, and we travelled to Louisville to see him OR going as Danny and Sandy to AXO’s Famous Couples Halloween Party

HC: Which 90’s song most accurately sums up your personalities as a couple?What is Love – Haddaway – Night at the Roxbury

Kaira is a Freshman contributing writer for Her Campus Miami (OH).
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Ellie Conley

Miami (OH)

Ellie Conley is a senior at Miami University. She is the current Editor-In-Chief and the former Publicity Coordinator for the Miami (OH) Chapter of Her Campus.